Kisses {Akaashi Keiji}

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This is directly linked to both Too Beautiful and Stay

One of the many things that Akaashi loved about dating you was getting to receive your wonderful kisses. The only thing that pained him was the fact that he was too shy to give them or ask for them from time to time. These times were usually when you were working diligently, and your focus was on nothing else but painting.

During these situations, he'd get out his own art supplies and continue working on pieces for his own collection in order to keep himself busy while you focused on your own work. He wouldn't be able to stop thinking about you, though, and he'd end up glancing over at you from time to time.

Today just so happened to be one of those days where you were in your own world. Akaashi watched you silently as he looked past his own canvas and took in your beautiful features. He gazed at your (e/c) eyes as you examined your work, then at your delicate and precise hand as you lifted a paintbrush to make a minute touch up. He watched your silky (h/l) (h/c) locks of hair move as you pushed them away from your face with your pinky finger—the only finger that you never got paint on.

"(F/n)," Akaashi called out to you softly.

"Yes, Keiji?" you responded, your voice warming your boyfriend's heart.

"You've been working on that painting for a long time and I was wondering if you wanted to take a break?" he suggested cautiously. He was never sure whether or not you were going to accept or decline his offers.

He cleaned his hands off nervously and removed his paint-splattered apron as he waited for your response. You let out a long sigh and hung your head slightly in defeat.

"Yeah, I guess that would be a good idea." You slowly cleaned off your hands and started taking your apron off, your gaze not leaving your painting for a moment.

Akaashi could tell that you were stressed, so he went into the kitchenette area of the studio and made some tea for both of you. As he did this, he watched you stand up and trudge over to the couch before flinging yourself into it in dismay. He didn't like seeing you like this, and he wanted to spend some time with you since you'd devoted the past couple of days to this grand painting you'd been working on.

When the tea was ready, he poured two cups of it, adding everything else you liked, and brought them over to the couch before setting them down on the coffee table. You slowly reached for your cup and leaned back against the couch, snuggling up to Akaashi when he put his arm around you.

"Thanks, babe," you sighed softly as you pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek. Akaashi felt his heart flutter as he looked down at you and noticed that you were still watching him with a slightly tired and weary, but still loving, gaze. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, he leaned down towards you and planted a long and gentle kiss on your soft lips.

You smiled and ran your hand through his slightly messy black hair before moving down to his shoulder and rubbing it as you drank your tea. He felt himself smile as well upon feeling your affectionate touch, and he took a sip of his own tea as his free hand came to rest on your waist and pulled you closer.

Akaashi wanted to savor every moment he spent with you at this point since he knew that you'd be back to work in a heartbeat, blocking out everything else around you. He couldn't deny that he'd been feeling a bit neglected these past couple of days, and that it seemed he'd been taking a backseat to your project. He didn't mind you focusing on your work, but he did mind when your work consumed you and took you away from him.

He didn't realize how quickly you'd finished your tea until he felt you move out of his arms to get up and clean your cup out in the sink. He felt a strange emptiness and loneliness as a rush of coldness replaced the space that your warm body had just occupied on the couch next to him.

"I'm going to get back to work, okay?" you told him as you turned off the sink and dried your hands off. You shot him a pleading gaze, and he gave you a slow nod, understanding that he couldn't keep you from what you wanted.

He just wished that he was what you wanted.


After he'd finished his tea, he'd say back down in front of his canvas with the intention of getting back to work, but he found that he couldn't. He didn't have the energy or the focus since it was so late and he couldn't stop thinking about you. Instead, he decided to call it a day, and began cleaning up after himself.

"I'm going to bed, my love," he told you as he moved his easel over to another side of the room and covered the canvas sitting on it. You nodded in response to his announcement and continued contemplating your own artwork.

Akaashi felt a sadness grip him, and he hung his head slightly as he walked down the hallway to the bedroom that the two of you shared and sat down at his side. He hadn't accomplished much today, and if you lifted the cover over his canvas, you'd see that he'd spent the entire day drawing you.

After a few minutes of staring at a wall, he shifted his gaze to you when he saw you enter the room, making his mood lighten slightly with hope. Without a word, you approached him and sat down in his lap, wrapping your legs around his torso and draping your arms around his neck before kissing him.

"I'm sorry, Keiji..." you apologized softly when you pulled away from him for a moment, "I've been neglecting you, and it's not right of me to do that to you when you give me your love and affection all the time."

Akaashi hugged you tightly, holding you closely to him as he ran his hand up and down your back. "It's okay, (f/n); as long as you're here with me it doesn't matter."

You frowned and said, "No, it's not okay. I don't want you to feel alone in this relationship because I love you. I might not always tell you or show you, but I love you so much." You placed your hands on the sides of his face and kissed him passionately, making his heart pound in his chest.

"I know you do, and I love you too," he replied between kisses, making you smile against his lips for a moment.

As the two of you kissed, your hands drifted down to the hem of his shirt, and you lifted it away from his skin before sliding your hands across his bare back. "I only want to focus on you right now."

Akaashi smiled and peppered your neck with kisses as he gently pushed you down onto your back and climbed on top of you, eliciting a gentle giggle from you as you enjoyed his much-needed touch.

All he wanted were your sweet kisses and your gentle touch, and he received both and much, much more.

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