Bruises {Nishinoya Yuu}

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"I'm here, (f/n)!"

You heard Nishinoya call through the door as he knocked on it with excitement. He had arrived for your study date after he'd gotten home from practice, showered, and changed into some different clothes.

Your heart jumped in your chest as you leapt up from where you sat in front of a table doing homework. You ran over to the door and opened it before giving your boyfriend a hug. When you pulled away from him and looked at him, you noticed that the skin just below his nose looked a bit red.

"Yuu, did you have a nosebleed?" you asked as you inspected his face.

He hesitated slightly before nodding. "It was a bit of a rough practice..." he mumbled, "But don't worry about it, (f/n), I'm fine!"

You led him into your house and he plopped down on the floor next to you before setting out his homework on the table as well. As you watched him do this, you noticed more bruises on the outsides of his arms and on his elbows. They looked pretty big and vicious. You turned your gaze down to his leg and saw even more on his knees.

"Yuu, what the heck were you doing?!" you whimpered when you saw all the bruises scattered around his body.

"Like I said, practice was rough." His reply was brisk and he looked into your (e/c) eyes with his own brown ones with an expression that you couldn't gauge. His gaze made you more suspicious that something else was going on, so you returned his intense look.

"Nishinoya Yuu, tell me what is going on," you demanded, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

There was a long silence before he let out a loud sigh and ran his hand through his spiky hair. "I can't say no to you!" He paused before continuing and saying, "I got into a fight."

You clapped your hand over your mouth as you gasped. Your boyfriend had gotten into a fight? That wasn't like him. "What?! How?!"

"Some guy was trash talking you, saying really rude and perverted stuff, and I just couldn't take it. I beat him up," Nishinoya replied, nodding slowly.

Without another word, you stood up and walked into the kitchen to get some ice out of your freezer. Once you'd scooped out the ice, put it into a bag, and grabbed an old towel for him to put between the bag and his skin, you returned to your study area and sat down.

You placed the towel over a collection of bruises on his arm and gently pressed the ice bag over it. He flinched and you could see the pain that he felt written on his face.

"Yuu, thank you for defending me," you told him gently. You moved closer to him and placed a hand on the side of his face, gently pulling him closer to you so that you could plant a kiss on his lips. "But," you began when you pulled away, "please try not to hurt yourself. If someone is going to talk shit, just tell them off, but please try not to stoop down to their level and fight them because then they'll know how to provoke you again and use it against you. I'm glad that you stood up for me, but could you please try to use your words next time?"

You stroked his cheek with your thumb as you looked into his eyes with a concerned look on your face. "Okay," he consented quietly, "For you." You smiled softly and gave him another kiss.

When you two pulled away from each other and got started on the homework you had, a sudden thought crossed your mind that made you stop writing. "Wait a minute, you said that you beat up the person you fought?" you asked and looked back over at him.

Nishinoya's face lit up with confidence. "Yeah! You should've seen it! He didn't even stand a chance. Sure, he got a few punches in, but I beat him up so badly that he ran away! I was too fast for him!" he exclaimed proudly.

"Great job, baby!" you congratulated him and clapped, "But no more fighting, okay?"

He let out a long sigh as his shoulders slumped. "Okay," he muttered. You resumed doing your work and he did the same. "At least I won."

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