Habits {Ukai Keishin} (Request)

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After dating the coach of the Karasuno boys' volleyball team for a few years, you'd noticed quite a few habits and routines that he had. Both of you had your own ways of living, but you'd both altered your daily routines to incorporate your significant other.

On a Friday evening, you returned home from work to an empty house, which didn't surprise you anymore. Usually, Ukai was at practice while you were nearing the end of your workday, so you had to wait a little while for him to come home. Once you'd set your bag down, you removed your coat and grabbed a few snacks before hopping into the shower. After your shower, you went to the kitchen to start preparing Ukai's favorite dinner, which you soon found that you'd enjoyed as well the first time he'd introduced it to you.

When you were almost done preparing dinner, the door to the house unlocked, and Ukai entered, letting out a long sigh as he set the keys to his car down on the counter. "Hey, baby," you called to him, looking up from the stove.

"Hey, (f/n)," he responded, walking into the kitchen so that he could wrap his arms around you from behind and peer over your shoulder to see what you were cooking. You turned your head towards him and gave him a gentle greeting kiss. "What's for dinner? The Friday night special?"

"Of course," you answered and gave him a small smile. He pecked your cheek before sliding his arms off of you and stepping away from you so that you could continue cooking. "How was practice?"

He discussed with you the slight issues the boys were having as well as the vast improvements that they were making, and you enjoyed listening to him go on about his team, both scolding and praising them. Once he'd given you the scoop, he headed to the bedroom that you shared to take a shower.

You could tell that he was frazzled, and you hoped that you could be of comfort to him.


By the time Ukai had gotten out of the shower, you'd finished preparing dinner, and the two of you sat together and ate, taking the time to rehash the events of your days. You noticed how he would constantly run his hand through his spiky blonde hair and push strands of it away from his face, or how his fingers would fidget with his chopsticks, and it showed how on edge he was.

"Thanks for the dinner," Ukai told you as he helped clean up, clearing off the dishes and placing them in the sink. He pressed an appreciative kiss against your forehead before leaving the kitchen and picking up his notebook and a pen. "I'm going to sit outside for a bit." He headed towards the sliding door that led to your small backyard area, and you saw him grab a pack of cigarettes and his lighter to take out as well.

You'd voiced your concerns to him about his smoking, and he'd started smoking less since then. He'd also been considerate by taking his cigarettes outside whenever he felt the urge to smoke so that the smell and the chemicals didn't permeate the inside of the house and irritate your lungs. You hadn't expected to wean him off cigarettes very quickly, so the fact that he still smoked here and there didn't bother you that much.

After Ukai left to go outside, you sighed softly and went to your bedroom before plopping down on the cushiony mattress. You grabbed the remote control and turned on the television after glancing out the window into the backyard for a moment. Ukai was sitting in his favorite chair, a burning cigarette between the pointer and index fingers of one hand while he scribbled down notes in his notebook with the other.

Your boyfriend was a busy man and you understood that. However, you wanted him to put his practice plans to the side for tonight so that the two of you could spend some quality time together. Instead of going outside and interrupting him, though, you decided to give him some space and leave him be.

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