Peach Emoji {Akaashi Keiji} (Request)

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Based off the headcanon that Akaashi loves the booty
Requested by @Anily_the_weirdo

Upon first meeting Akaashi Keiji, you never would've expected him to be such a passionate fan of a nice ass. While a lot of people liked nice butts, he very much praised and appreciated them, which you found out after you'd started dating him, and the peach emoji ran rampant.

Every time you posted a picture of yourself, or of you with someone else, your boyfriend would always embarrass you by commenting the peach emoji and a smirking face for everyone to see. Your contact name in his phone was your name with the peach emoji next to it. He just couldn't get enough of that damn emoji.

Aside from using emojis, he showed his appreciation for your butt outside of texting in a variety of different ways. Whenever you gave him a hug, you could guarantee that at least one of his hands would move to grab your ass in less than five seconds, whether you were in public or alone. After a tough day, he would snuggle up next to you, placing his head against your stomach so that he could hold onto your bottom and upper thighs while he took a nap and enjoyed your company. He was completely shameless despite normally being so quiet and reserved.

On those wonderful days when you decided to wear yoga pants while lazing around your house, Akaashi wouldn't miss out on the opportunity to take a picture of your butt on snapchat and send it to you. While he enjoyed being able to be in the presence of his beautiful girlfriend and her bodacious booty, he didn't care for sharing with anyone else. He never put any pictures he took of your butt in a public place for everyone to see and he absolutely wouldn't tolerate anyone else he caught staring.

Even though Akaashi was relatively quiet, he had no issue voicing his concerns or warnings to anyone he found getting mesmerized by your figure. If anyone so much as uttered a comment under their breath about you, Akaashi would shoot them a look that could kill. And if that wasn't enough to drive them away, a confrontation was usually in order.

Despite the fact that Akaashi didn't necessarily like confrontations, especially with his teammates or friends, he couldn't deny that he'd caught none other than Bokuto Koutarou staring at your ass multiple times now.

Upon finishing up your (favorite club) meetings after school, you would head to the gym at Fukurodani to watch your beloved boyfriend practice from the stands. Sometimes you'd come with a special treat for him, such as a sports drink or a snack for him to eat, completely unaware that your sheer presence was enough of a treat for him.

"Hey, Keiji! I brought you something to help you through practice," you told him cheerfully as you approached him during a water break and handed him a sports drink.

The smile on his slightly sweaty face said it all, and you couldn't help but blush as Akaashi kissed your cheek. "Thanks, (f/n)," he responded, his free hand holding onto your waist before trailing down to its usual spot on your rear.

You allowed his hand to rest there, only pushing it away when he gave it a firm squeeze. "Okay, you should get back to practice before you get too carried away," you suggested as you shot him a knowing look. He simply winked in return, making your heart leap slightly in your chest as you turned around and walked back over to the stands.

As you strode over to your usual spot in the stands, Akaashi couldn't help but notice that Bokuto was drinking in not only his water, but your image as well. He had his eyes trained on you and on that short school skirt of yours, which made Akaashi's blood boil with jealousy.

"Bokuto-san, what are you doing?" he called to his teammate, not bothering to hide the irritation he felt.

Bokuto seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in upon hearing Akaashi's voice, and his golden gaze shifted to meet the setter's eyes. "I was spacing out—my bad."

"Well, let's get back to practice."


After practice, as Akaashi changed his shirt and slung his bags over his shoulders, he heard Bokuto murmur, "Man, (f/n)'s got a nice ass. I just wanna touch it," as he stared shamelessly at you, making you slightly uncomfortable even at a distance.

Akaashi whirled around to face Bokuto, his eyes narrowed. "I swear, if you ever land a finger on my girlfriend or look at her inappropriately ever again, you'll never get to hit another volleyball in your life," he threatened, making his eyes widen with shock.

Before he could say anything in response, Akaashi marched over to you and picked you up, slinging you over his shoulder and holding your skirt down to maintain your decency. "(F/n) is my girlfriend, so keep your hands and eyes off of her!" he growled as he exited the gym with you over his shoulder as you struggled to understand the situation you were in.

Once Akaashi had carried you out of the gym and far enough away from it, he put you down and breathed out a long sigh. "Keiji... What is up with you?" you wondered softly, "I don't think I've ever seen you act this aggressively before." You watched him with concern as you fixed your (h/l) (h/c) hair and adjusted your uniform.

He simply shrugged and smiled wryly. "I know it's stupid but I don't really like it when guys shoot looks of admiration your way. I want to be the only one," he explained as he blushed slightly.

"You're the only one whose looks I return, but I guess you never see them anyway since yours are always focused on my butt," you replied softly, averting your gaze from his face to the wall of a nearby building off to the side.

Akaashi could sense a tinge of neglect in your voice, and he placed his hand on your chin before turning your face back towards his so that you could see the adoring look he was giving you. When your eyes met, you blushed profusely. "(F/n), I love you so much. I know it might seem like I appreciate your butt more than I appreciate you, but that's never true. While I think your butt is amazing, the same goes for the rest of you. I just think you're perfect in every way and I feel lucky to have you," he told you truthfully and smiled.

You returned his smile as he pressed his lips against yours in a loving kiss. "I love you too, Keiji," you murmured in between kisses. Since his hands didn't drift down to your hips, you decided to get payback as you moved your own hands down his back until they reached his butt before giving it a nice squeeze. When he broke away from you to gaze at you with shock, you simply chuckled and said, "As much as I love you, my butt is probably nicer than yours."

"It is. There's no contest."

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