Verbal Daggers {Tsukishima Kei} (Request)

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After being best friends with Tsukishima for so many years, you'd constantly been subjected to his sass, and you often returned it. Most of the time it was light-hearted and playful, but sometimes, the words cut deeper than expected.

Whether it was facetious comments murmured under his breath or sarcastic remarks made straight to your face, Tsukki always seemed to have something to say.

"You're such a creature of habit, (f/n). That (favorite food) of yours that you eat for lunch is so boring," Tsukki commented as you sat down next to him during lunch.

"You're one to talk. All you ever do every single day is throw shade," you retorted as you began eating your lunch.

Tsukki simply scoffed at your response. "Lame." You rolled your eyes jokingly and nudged him with your elbow, earning a glare from him out of the corners of his eyes.

You two found just about anything about one another to poke fun at, so you could never let your guard down with him.

One day, as the two of you walked outside during lunch, Tsukki put his hand up to shade his eyes from the glaring sunlight. "I could really use some sunglasses," he complained.

"I didn't think you'd need sunglasses since you always act so shady," was your fast response.

"You wouldn't know what kind of predicament I'm in since you're so blind and oblivious."

"If I'm so blind and oblivious, then how did I manage to finish those math problems faster than you?"

"Well I could hardly see the board since your damn hair was in the way."

"You're really going to blame that on my hair?"



Tsukki grumbled.


Even though your frequent banter was usually funny and entertaining, there were times when either one of you really didn't appreciate the jabbing words. Today just happened to be one of those days for you, especially since you were sleep-deprived, annoyed with life, and just irritated in general.

You smoothed down angry pieces of your (h/l) (h/c) hair as you stomped through the hallways of Karasuno towards your class.

"What's up with that hairdo, (f/n)?" you heard Tsukki comment with a snicker as he looked down at you with that mischievous gaze of his.

"Ugh, I don't know..." you growled as you furiously tried to tame your wild hair. It irritates you that you'd gone to such lengths to make it look nice, yet it had just gone straight to hell.

"How many brushes did you break trying to untangle that mess this morning?"

You felt your blood boil at the amount of self-consciousness you were feeling about your hair because of his teasing. "The answer is zero, and my additional comment is that you should leave me the hell alone."

With that said, you stalked into the classroom to take a seat at your desk, leaving Tsukki feeling slightly shocked.

About halfway through class, as you were copying down notes off the board, you heard Tsukki's facetious comment echo from where he sat behind you. "Do you know how hard it is to see past that big head of yours? Your hair is puffier than usual today."

You turned slightly to glare at him out of the corner of your (e/c) eyes. "There's an empty desk at the front of the class for visually challenged people like you, you know," you shot back before sighing angrily and returning your attention to your note taking.

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