Birthday Surprise {Bokuto Koutarou}

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It was your husband's birthday once again, so you'd woken up early to make him his favorite breakfast. Once you were finished preparing the food, you smiled with satisfaction before going into the bedroom to wake him up with the greeting that had become a birthday tradition.

"Koutarou!" you sang as you entered the bedroom, seeing your sleeping husband's form under the covers. You strode over to the window and opened the curtains, allowing the morning sunlight to pour through.

"Ah!" he groaned and turned away, burying his face in his pillow with dismay. He pulled the covers up over his head and continued to groan dramatically.

You ran over to the bed and announced, "Get up, birthday boy!" You then smacked his bottom, making him growl.

"Why did I marry you again?" he grumbled as you flopped on top of his back and laid on him, waiting for him to get up.

"Because you love me." You pressed kisses against his cheek and ruffled his snowy white and black hair. "Now come on, babe. I made you breakfast."

There were a select few things that could get Bokuto out of bed, and you knew that food was among them, so you weren't surprised when he shifted in bed and started to get up. You hopped off his back and walked into the kitchen to sit down and wait for him. You smiled when he emerged from the bedroom looking cute as ever.

You reached onto the counter and grabbed a party hat, sticking it on his head and snapping the elastic against the bottom of his chin when he sat down next to you.

"Ouch! (F/n), do you wanna fight me or something?" he mumbled as he looked at you out of the corners of his golden eyes.

You didn't answer and instead put a party hat on as well and smiled at him, snickering when you picked up a pink, plastic crown with feathers on it and stuck that on his head as well.

"You look so cute!"

He pouted as he ate breakfast, but you didn't miss the small smile of content that crept on his face at the delicious taste of the food you'd prepared for him.


After the two of you had eaten breakfast, Bokuto had tried to go back to bed, but you'd stopped him, telling him to get ready because you were going to take him someplace special for his birthday surprise. He groaned and grumbled about it, but he'd gotten ready anyway and had followed you out to the car, putting his arms around your waist as he hugged you from behind and rested his heavy head on your shoulder.

You assured him that he'd have time to sleep in the car. Once he'd settled down into the passenger seat, he slumped against the car door and rested his chin on his hand. You got into the driver's seat and buckled up before watching him, feeling a bit concerned. You leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips.

"Are you okay, Koutarou?" you asked softly.

"Yeah, I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night," he answered.

A shit-eating grin crept onto your lips as you watched him. "It was because you were excited about your birthday, wasn't it?"

"Shut up! I'm not a kid!"

"You sure do act like one sometimes..."

"Says the woman who always slaps my butt and starts pillow fights with me."

You chuckled and waved him off as you started the car and started driving towards your destination. Little did he know what you had in store for him.


About an hour later, after listening to the radio on blast to drown out Bokuto's snoring, you'd arrived at your destination. Once you found a parking spot, you turned the car off and dug around in your purse to retrieve a pair of tickets that you'd already paid for online.

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