Blindsided {Kageyama Tobio} (Request)

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You are the captain of the basketball team and you accidentally hit Kageyama in the face with a basketball.
Requested by @forellatorres

Panting, you wiped the beads of sweat off your forehead and adjusted your ponytail. You then followed the person who had the ball and tried to stop them from passing or making a shot.

Since your coach had to leave practice early, you, being the captain of the girls' basketball team at Karasuno, decided to finish up practice with a scrimmage. The team split in half so that you could play each other, and you were currently battling against the other half of your team.

Meanwhile, Kageyama was on his way home from school. Not having practice made him feel somewhat empty and unsatisfied, so he'd found himself walking past the gym. The sound of a ball bouncing on the floor was enough to attract him to the door, and he peered inside to see you playing amongst your teammates.

At that moment, your opponent jumped up to make a shot, so you jumped up with her and swatted the ball out of the way as soon as it left her hands. The ball flew out of bounds and over towards the entrance. By that point, Kageyama had started to turn around to leave.

You noticed that the ball was flying towards him, so you called out, "Hey! Watch out!"

Kageyama turned back around only to have a ball make contact with his face. Hard. He stumbled slightly and grabbed the ball once it had bounced off his face. The world was starting to spin, and he struggled to keep his composure, but he refused to let his weakness show.

You gasped and ran over to him. "I'm so sorry, Kageyama-kun!" you apologized quickly, "Are you okay?!"

Kageyama gazed into your eyes, and you noticed that he seemed very dizzy and off-balance. However, he shoved the ball into your hands and growled, "I'm fine. Watch where you throw that thing. I hate basketball."

You watched him with concern as he started to walk away. He didn't get very far, though, and he'd barely taken a single step before he tripped and fell over. You squeaked with surprise and rushed over to him to help him up. He grumbled and muttered things under his breath as you slung his arm around your shoulder to support him as you walked into the gym.

The world was really spinning now, and he could feel warm blood from his nose trickling down his face and onto the floor. As much as he wanted to resist your help, he found that he couldn't, and he simply let you help him sit down on a bench by the side of the court. He laid down, feeling the chill from the metal creep through the shirt of his uniform. What happened next was just a blur to him.

You ended practice and told you teammates that they could go home. As much as they wanted to stay and help, they didn't go against your orders. You rushed around to grab wet paper towels to wipe his face off with as well as some ice to put on his head. You brushed his dark hair away from his face to check for bruises or bumps, letting out a small sigh of relief when you didn't find any.

"I'm really sorry, Kageyama-kun," you apologized again as you watched him. You knew he was notorious for being cold and reproachful towards people who hurt him or embarrassed him. You'd just done both on accident, so you expected him to hate you.

"You stink... Go and change..." he ordered weakly as the smell of your sweat from your workout assaulted his senses.

"Excuse you, I'm trying to take care of you!" you argued, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

He scoffed quietly and rolled his deep blue eyes, which soon settled on the basketball hoop. "I don't understand why basketball is such a popular sport. All you do is throw a ball around," he commented with distaste.

"That's not all basketball is, you know. It takes skill to throw the ball around," you stated, feeling defensive now that he was insulting your sport as well.

"Well you must not have a lot of skill if you sent the ball flying so far out of bounds that it hit me in the face!" he growled, his eyes narrowed as he looked back up at you.

"You weren't even that far away! Besides, I thought volleyball players were supposed to have quick reflexes!"

"I do! You just caught me off guard!"


"You know, I've been hit in the face with volleyballs before, but basketballs are obnoxiously heavy and hard, which is why I can't seem to regain my bearings right now."

"Excuses, excuses."

"Shut up!"

Once you'd had enough of ruffling Kageyama's feathers, you left him alone for a moment to go to the locker room and change out of your sweaty clothes. You then went back into the gym and removed the ice pack from Kageyama's head.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Your soft and gentle tone, along with the tender look in your (e/c) eyes was enough to make Kageyama blush wildly, and he nodded quickly before standing up. The head rush he got, however, caused him to sway slightly, and you held onto his shoulders to steady him.

"Do you want me to walk home with you to make sure that you don't fall?"

He growled angrily in response but didn't reject your offer. You smiled slightly as you slung your bag over your shoulder and walked alongside him.

As you talked to him on the way home, he couldn't deny that you'd made him feel a certain kind of way. Of course, Kageyama was much too ignorant to realize that he was in love with you.


Bonus ending!

As you laid in your bed with your laptop next to you, watching a movie, you snickered quietly as a sudden thought popped into your head.

"What is it now?" your boyfriend asked, clearly annoyed by your interruption. He tilted his face up to look at you from where his head rested in your lap.

"I was just thinking about how we first met and you got clocked with that basketball," you admitted, covering your mouth in an attempt to stifle your giggles.

"You blindsided me! How is that funny?" Kageyama groaned and buried his face in your stomach, feeling the soft fabric of your shirt against his skin.

"Ah, you never cease to amuse me." You wiped a few tears away from your eyes that had formed as a result of your uncontrollable laughter.

"I hate you," Kageyama grumbled.

"Aww, but I love you so much!"

"... Iloveyoutoo."

"What was that?"

"I said, I love you too!"

You chuckled again and kissed his head. "Same old Kageyama."

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