Adore Yuu {Nishinoya Yuu} (Request)

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"Hey, (f/n)!" Nishinoya called excitedly as he opened the door to his house and let you inside. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug, kissing your forehead. "Are you ready for our video game night?!"

"Of course!" you replied with a smile. Your smile was forced, however, and you willed yourself to cheer up so that you could enjoy spending time with your boyfriend.

Nishinoya's bright smile seemed to light up the room, and he quickly grabbed some snacks from the kitchen before leading you upstairs to his room so that the video game night could commence. He plopped down onto the floor and grabbed two controllers, handing one to you as he turned on the television.

You accepted the controller from him before carefully sitting down in between his crossed legs. He put his arms around you and rested them on your chubby thighs. He then rested his chin on your shoulder, feeling grateful to have a girlfriend who was shorter than him so that he didn't have to struggle to see over her. You fit perfectly into his lap, and your height allowed him to see the screen right over you.

Once the television turned on and you both agreed on which game you wanted to play first, the battle began.


After you'd had enough of playing video games, Nishinoya left the television on, creating some meaningless background noise. "Alright, truth or dare?"

"Truth," you responded simply, taking a strand of (h/c) hair in between your fingers and playing with it mindlessly. You were sitting on the floor across from Nishinoya, and a bag of chips sat in between the two of you, just begging to be eaten.

Your boyfriend scooped a handful of chips out of the bag and munched on them as he thought of something to ask you. As you looked down at the piece of hair you were playing with, he watched you intently. You'd been acting a bit strangely, and your pretty face had looked so troubled. You weren't acting like your normal self.

"Okay... What's the matter? You seem a bit different than usual," he asked, his brown eyes wide with curiosity.

You own eyes widened slightly before you averted your gaze to the carpet. You didn't want to tell him, but you decided that you should, since Nishinoya always found ways to remedy whatever bad situation you found yourself stuck in. You looked back up at him and pinched the small pocket of flab on your belly.

"My parents think I'm too fat..." you admitted quietly, "They told me that I needed to lose weight, but I've been trying really hard and I feel like nothing's changing."

Nishinoya's face fell. "But you're not fat! You're just a little chubby, but that's perfectly fine!"

"But my parents keep telling me that my school uniform is too tight. They also keep saying that I wouldn't have an issue with my weight if I was taller because then it would be normal for a person of that size..."

"No!" The urgency in Nishinoya's voice shocked you enough to make you shut your mouth quickly and stare at him. "You're perfect just the way you are, (f/n)! Your uniform looks amazing on you, and you know how much I love our school's uniform, don't you? It looks better on you than it does on anyone else! And I'm glad that you're short! I like being able to lean down to give you kisses instead of standing on my tippy toes!"

He pushed the bag of chips out of the way before scooting closer to you and pulling you into a tight hug. He leaned down towards you and planted gentle kisses on your chubby cheek, slowly moving down towards your neck and finally burying his face in your shoulder.

"Please don't try to change yourself. I love you the way you are, and I want you to love yourself the way you are," he spoke uncharacteristically softly, making your heart melt slightly.

You wrapped your arms around Nishinoya and held onto him tightly. "Thanks, Yuu—I really needed to hear that," you told him gently and pecked his cheek.

"Just know that you don't have to change to fit other people's expectations. If you do change, it should be because you want to."

"I'm not going to change! I'm chubby and I'm proud!" you announced, feeling empowered by your boyfriend's words.

"That's my girlfriend!" he exclaimed, pulling away from you slightly to reach for the chips, "Here, eat all the snacks you want and don't even feel bad about it!"


Requested by @AmandaSax
I hope you liked it!
Next up: more Nishinoya, then Bokuto!

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