Embarrassing {Ukai Keishin} (Request)

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Ukai forgets something so you bring it to practice for him and end up embarrassing him.
Requested by @purpleweeb

Upon noticing that Ukai had left his journal with his practice plans in it at home, you picked it up and hastily drove to Karasuno to give it to him. As soon as you arrived, you saw your boyfriend standing at the other side of the gym with Takeda while the boys warmed up.

"Keishin!" you called and trotted over to him, attracting the eyes of the volleyball team to you, and soon, they started to move closer and closer to where you were as they stretched out before getting started with practice.

"Oh! (F/n), what are you doing here?" Ukai asked, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"You left your practice plans at home, so I came here to give them to you!" you explained and gave him a smile that made him even more flustered. You handed him the journal he'd left behind and he murmured his thanks to you.

"What are we doing today, Coach?" Hinata asked excitedly, his brown eyes wide with excitement as he tried to peer at what Ukai had written in his book.

Ukai cleared his throat and was about to answer, but you interjected, saying, "Good luck with trying to read his handwriting. We've been dating for about four years now and I still can't read his handwriting."

This caused laughter amongst the boys, and Ukai frowned with embarrassment. "Uh, (f/n), why don't you get going back home?" he suggested and put his hand on your shoulder as if to escort you out of the gym.

"Hold on there, hotshot! I haven't even met the handsome fellas on your team yet!" you complained and placed your hands on your hips stubbornly.

Ukai groaned softly and Nishinoya jumped into the conversation. "Yeah, Coach! We'd love to meet the girlfriend you've never introduced us to!"

"Nishinoya!" Ukai hissed.

You turned and frowned at Ukai. "I wonder why they've never met me... Hmm... Maybe it's because you've never invited me to come to their practices," you commented sarcastically.

"Go around the circle and introduce yourselves!" Ukai demanded weakly, running his hand through his golden hair.

"Hi, everyone! My name's (l/n) (f/n), and hopefully I'll soon be Ukai (f/n) if this guy ever puts a ring on it!" you introduced yourself, not missing the opportunity to take a jab at Ukai and his slowness with proposing to you.

Everyone went around the circle and introduced themselves. With each introduction, you patted that person on the head, which some of them clearly enjoyed and others not so much. Nishinoya, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, and Hinata had readily bowed slightly so that you could pat them on the head and had gone on about how great you were. Sugawara and even Takeda had enjoyed your head pats, while Tsukki and Kageyama had to be forced to let you pet their heads. Some were definitely more awkward than others.

Once everyone had introduced themselves, they all looked at Ukai. You tapped your foot impatiently and he gave you an inquisitive look. "Introduce yourself too!" you commanded.

Your boyfriend opened his mouth to argue, but held his tongue and took a deep breath. "I'm Ukai Keishin, head coach of this team."


"And (f/n)'s boyfriend of four years."

"Think about how much nicer that would sound if you could say fiancée instead of boyfriend," you commented and wiggled your eyebrows.

A chorus of "oohs" erupted from the team, making Ukai's face heat up and his cheeks turn red. You placed a kiss on his lips before pinching his warm cheek and smiling at him.

"(L/n)-san!" Nishinoya called, his brown eyes wide with curiosity. You smiled at him and he asked, "What's it like living with Coach?"

You laughed. "Where do I even begin?!" You walked over and stood between Tanaka and Nishinoya, resting your hands on their heads and making them smile brightly like little kids. "Let's see... Well, he keeps the house fairly tidy to say the least and he can cook. But he often gets really excited when watching volleyball games on TV and I have to tell him to be quiet for the sake of our neighbors. He looks like a lion with that mane of his but he's actually really cuddly. Oh, but don't get me wrong; he's a total monster in—"

"Okay, I think that's enough show and tell for today!" Ukai exclaimed and placed his hand over your mouth quickly before you could finish that sentence. You couldn't help but laugh at how utterly flustered he was by you being here and talking to the team.

When Ukai uncovered your mouth, you smiled warmly at him and decided to humiliate him one last time before leaving him alone. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to you before placing a kiss on his lips that made Nishinoya and Tanaka applaud and wipe their eyes as if they'd seen the last scene of a beautiful play.

When you pulled away from him, you chuckled at seeing how red his cheeks were. "I love you, Keishin!" you told him sweetly before letting go of him, "I'll see you when you get home."

"I... love you too, babe," he replied, his eyes still wide.

You blew a kiss to him as you walked out of the gym and headed out to the car before driving home.

After you were gone, Ukai slapped the sense back into himself and started to boys on some drills. During a water break, The three third years stood together.

"H-Hey," Asahi mumbled, "what was (l/n)-san talking about earlier? Was she going to say that t-there was a m-monster in their basement or something?"

Sugawara's smile became more forced and he quickly karate chopped Asahi in the side. "She never said that!" he said with a nervous chuckle.

"But there was a monster somewhere!" Asahi argued, clutching his side.

"Nowhere." Daichi watched him with a gaze that was too intense for him to handle, so he shut up about it.

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