Skittish {Terushima Yuuji} (Request)

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Based off the headcanon that Teru is actually very easily scared by insects and jumpscares
Requested by @_oikawaii_

One thing you found hilarious about your boyfriend was how quickly his cool and controlled facade disappeared in the face of an insect or even the most minor of scares in a movie. Even though he loved to act as if he was too cool for anyone, any creepy crawly or scary movie left him shivering with fear in an instant.

"(F/n)! Kill it! Kill it, please!" he'd yell whenever there was a huge bug within twenty feet of him. If a bug ever latched onto his jacket at school, he would hop around like a mad man, trying to get it off before acting as if he hadn't just freaked out. If a beetle or a spider ever snuck into your house when he was over, he'd find refuge on your couch or your bed until you came over and got rid of the insect or arachnid that was terrorizing him with its existence.

Besides bugs, he was a total wimp when it came to horror movies as well, despite the way he attempted to play off his fears by saying he was trying to protect you.

You'd first learned how much horror movies scared Terushima when you took him to see (favorite horror movie) for a date and he was the one screaming along with the rest of the crowd in the theater. Upon seeing a jumpscare appear on the huge screen, he'd yelped and shoved his face into your chest, clinging onto you tightly.

After that date, you'd told him that you'd never take him out to see a horror movie again, but he'd argued and had told you that he wasn't scared at all. That was obviously a blatant lie, and you'd wanted to punish him for lying to you and try to get him to swallow his pride, which was why you'd devoted another night to watching a horror movie late at night at your house.

"Come on, scaredy cat," you taunted and lifted up the edge of the blanket.

"Be quiet," Terushima grumbled as he made his way over to the couch, settling down underneath the blanket with you. After turning off the lights and starting the movie, you started to take the bowl of popcorn out of his lap, but he wouldn't let you.

"Yuuji, let me have the popcorn. Knowing you, you're just gonna get scared and spill it everywhere..." you told him as you looked up into his brown eyes.

He stuck his tongue out at you, his silver piercing glinting in the light, and responded confidently, "That was a one time thing, (f/n). I can handle a lame horror movie."

You shrugged and let him hold the popcorn as he slung his arm around your shoulders. You dug your hand into the bowl and scooped up some popcorn, eating with content as the horror movie began and Terushima sat calmly next to you. You knew he wouldn't be calm for very long, though, since the jumpscares would be approaching soon.

Sure enough, a crazy screaming lady popped up in the middle of the screen and Terushima screamed, tossing the bowl of popcorn up into the air. He then dove underneath the blanket and held onto you tightly for comfort, burying his head in your stomach.

"Yuuji, what the hell?! I told you that you should've let me hold the popcorn!" you grumbled as you paused the movie and turned the lights back on. There was popcorn all over the floor and couch as well as a trembling Terushima in your arms, and a wobbling empty bowl on the floor.

"I-I wasn't expecting that!" he argued, his voice muffled by your shirt.

"That's the point! It's supposed to be a scary movie!"

Your boyfriend didn't respond, and you could still feel his body quaking against yours. You couldn't help but feel bad for him even though your living room was absolutely covered in popcorn. You ran your hand through his amber colored hair and patted his back.

"Okay, no more scary movies for you," you stated and lifted his head out of your stomach. His eyes were wide and frightened, and his face was slightly pale, so you kissed his cheek and held him closely to you. Even though he would never admit his fears, you couldn't help but feel bad for making him endure another jumpscare. "Let's find something else to watch."

"I-I'm fine! We can keep watching this movie!"

You shook your head and removed your body from his grasp before walking over to the DVD player and taking out the scary movie. You then inserted a chick flick and pressed play as you say back down next to him, hearing popcorn crunch underneath you. "I'm sure a dose of Legally Blonde will make you feel better," you stated. Aside from his fears of horror movies, he also refused to admit his love for chick flicks and romantic comedies.

Terushima pouted and plucked a piece of popcorn from atop your head before munching on it. As he continued to eat more popcorn lying either on your clothes, his clothes, or the blanket, you looked around the room and sighed dramatically.

"You're such an idiot... Now we have to clean this all up."

"The cleaning up can wait, don't you think?"

You saw the hopeful look in Terushima's eyes before he looked back over at the television screen, his gaze locked on the movie. "Oh yeah. We can finish watching your favorite move first."

He growled, "I'm only watching it because you put it on and I love you, so I'm respecting your choice."

"Do you want me to put the other movie back on, then?"

"No." He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. "If you loved me and cared about my well-being, you'd keep this movie on."

You smiled and chuckled as you said, "Well I do so I will." You then planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I'm staying over now that you scared me like that."

"I knew you would. And that means you can help me clean up all this popcorn!"

He groaned with dismay, but you knew he was more than happy to be cuddling with you and watching a chick flick while occasionally eating the pieces of popcorn he could find.

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