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Hey y'all so I'm feeling pretty curious as to how you (my wonderful and loyal followers) feel about my work because I'm always looking to improve! Your input really matters to me (negative or positive) so it would mean a lot if you could answer these questions in the comments! Also, feel free to elaborate and explain your answers since that would help me out but it's not mandatory!

1. Which story of mine (from any of my books) is your favorite? If you can't pick one, pick your top 5! Please explain your answer.

2. Which character(s) if any do you want to see more of? Why?

3. Which type of stories are your favorite (angst, fluff, songfics, etc)?

4. Which character do you enjoy having me write about the most/which character's personality do you think I write the best (or worst lol)?

5. Do you like my writing style? Whether you say yes or no please explain!

6. I know I still have The Prince and the Knight still chillin on my page... does anyone actually want to see it finished?

7. Why did you start following me? How did you find me?

8. I'm not saying I'm going to do this but how would you feel about me making a book with a single storyline involving the reader and just one character?

9. I'm not saying I'm going to do any of these either lol but any requests for any character and any book off the top of your head?

10. Got something else to add? Here's where you should speak your mind!

And that concludes my survey! If you have any questions or need clarification, please ask! I want to make sure the questions are easy to understand so I can get accurate answers of course. Please do participate in this and BE HONEST because your opinion really does matter to me!

Thanks for your participation!

p.s. #6 and #8 have been on my mind for a long time so I'm desperate for answers lol

Haikyuu!! x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now