Bouncy House {Hinata Shouyou}

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It was a warm and sunny summer day, and you were sitting in a park enjoying your time away from school. You were also enjoying the fact that you were getting to spend more time with your boyfriend, Hinata. This summer was going to be the last you two spent together before you each parted ways for college.

Right now, you were at your younger cousin's birthday party, since (he/she) had sent you an invitation. Thinking you would be bored to tears, you'd decided to bring Hinata along as well to keep you company. Instead of seeming disinterested, however, he had entertained himself by munching on snacks and pushing you on the swings at a nearby playground.

"(F/n), remember when we used to come here all the time as kids?" Hinata asked as he stopped pushing you and sat down on a swing next to you instead.

You smiled, feeling your heart flutter in your chest. "Yeah. And we'd always see who could swing the highest and who could slide down those slides the fastest," you added, reminiscing about the times when both of you were young and small.

"I hated that metal slide. I always burned my butt on it on hot days," he commented, running his hand through his fiery orange hair sheepishly.

"Even after I told you that it would be hot, Shouyou..."

"I wanted to slide!"

The two of you started laughing and joking around about the things you used to do together during your play dates when you were little kids. As you talked, Hinata moved his swing closer to yours and grabbed the chains attached to the sides of your swing, pulling you closer to him. He moved his face closer to yours until your foreheads were touching, and looked into your (e/c) eyes with his own handsome brown ones.

You smiled and closed your eyes as he nuzzled your face with his. Just as he was about to kiss you, you felt two small hands grip onto your arm and yank hard enough for you to lose your balance and fall off the swing. You squealed as you fell backwards onto your back, your legs kicking over your head, almost making you do a backwards somersault.

Standing above you was your devious cousin with (his/her) eyes watching you closely. "(F/n), come play in the bouncy house with me!" (He/she) begged, continuing to pull your arm and attempting to drag you across the ground.

"Go ask your other friends!" you told your cousin, pushing (his/her) hand away and standing up.

"But they don't want to!" (He/she) whined in response, "And it's my birthday!"

You were about to protest and say that the bouncy house wouldn't be up for much longer anyway, but you couldn't before Hinata jumped in. "I'll go in the bouncy house with you, (cousin's name)!" he offered, a bright smile on his face. Your cousin hopped up and down with excitement before starting to drag him away. "Come on, (f/n)!" He grabbed your arm and took you along with him as he went to the bouncy house with your cousin.

Your cousin happily leapt into the bouncy house and Hinata followed excitedly. You reluctantly took off your shoes and crawled through the entrance on your hands and knees, thinking about how much easier doing this had been as a child. Once inside, you jumped around for a bit with your boyfriend and your cousin—both of whom were having way too much fun. Hinata showed your cousin how to do cool tricks in between bouncing on his back, his stomach, and his butt.

Eventually, you got pretty tired of jumping so you sat down in the middle. Unfortunately for you, that only provoked them to jump around you and bounce you around in a game of popcorn.

"Okay, I think that's enough," you sighed as you got up and made your way towards the exit to the bouncy house. Just as you were about to crawl back through the netting, you felt a body crash into yours and tackle you, sending you flying down onto the inflatable and cushiony floor.

"You're not going anywhere!" Hinata said playfully as he pinned you down, a devious look in his brown eyes. Sometimes you wondered if you were dating a soon to be college student or an elementary school kid. He was about to say something else, but he stopped when you both felt the bottom of the bouncy house start to sink beneath you.

"It's deflating! We have to get out!" your cousin cried as (he/she) rushed over to the exit and scrambled out.

Hinata chuckled as he watched your cousin leave, but he continued to hold you down. "You know, there's been something that I've been wanting to do all day," he suggested and looked back down at you. His face moved closer to yours and you blushed.

This time, however, you decided to get payback for dragging you into the bouncy house. When his lips were about to meet with your own, you snuck out from beneath his grip and scampered over to the exit.

"Last one out is a rotten egg!"

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