Love Notes {Tsukishima Akiteru}

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"Akiteru!" you called as you entered your house, taking off your shoes. You heard your voice echo throughout the house, but you didn't hear a reply, so you knew you were alone.

Sighing, you set your purse down and made your way into your room to change into your pajamas. When you noticed a note on the door of your closet, however, you smiled and pulled it off so that you could read it.

"Hey, baby. If you're reading this, then I'm not home at the moment because I'm out getting something good to bring back for dinner! Anyway, get changed into something nice and comfy. I know you've probably had a long day at work, so you deserve to relax. I'll be home soon; I promise! I'll be waiting to hear all about your day! Love, Akiteru."

You blushed as a grin crept onto your lips. You set the note down on your bedside table before finding your favorite pajamas to wear and getting changed.

By this point in your relationship, you'd gotten used to your diligent husband giving you cute little love notes here and there. When you'd been dating during high school, he'd taken the time to write short messages on tiny sticky notes and press them onto your schoolbag so that you could read them when you discovered them.

Before you'd started dating, you'd noticed strange sticky notes appearing on your bag with sweet things written on them such as, "Your smile is gorgeous," or "You have the cutest giggles."

Being completely oblivious, you hadn't noticed them until long after he'd stuck them on your bag, so you hadn't been able to figure out who was writing them for the longest time. Meanwhile, he'd been perfectly content finding something new to write to you each day as he sat in class behind you and stuck love letters on your bag.

Once you'd discovered him, you'd started dating him for the rest of high school, through college, and until you were happily married. His little notes to you never got old, and you always wondered what each brightly colored sticky note was going to have written on it whenever you found one.

Besides writing you notes by hand, he would text you while you were on your lunch break to make sure you were okay. He was always so determined to check on you and write you cute little notes to make your day, and it was just one of his many ways of showing how much he loved you.

As you pulled a pair of pajama pants out of the closet, you noticed a sticky note attached to them, so you pulled it off and read it as well. "I know these are your favorite pajama pants, but they're mine too because your butt looks cute in them." You giggled as you slid on the pants after reading his cheeky note.

Once you'd gotten changed, you walked into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait for your husband's arrival.

A few minutes later, you heard a key in the lock of the front door, and it opened, revealing your cheerful husband. His smile brightened when he noticed you, and he entered the house, carrying some food he'd picked up from your favorite restaurant.

"Hi, Akiteru!" you called to him and stood up. You allowed him to set the food down in the kitchen before wrapping your arms around his neck and planting an appreciative kiss on his lips.

"Hey, (f/n)!" he responded as he hugged you tightly, lifting you up off the floor slightly and making you giggle. When he let go of you, he admired you with his brown eyes for a moment as he smiled. "I'm going to get changed, but feel free to help yourself to the food. Just don't eat it all."

He chuckled as you pouted. "Rude!" You walked into the kitchen as he walked into the bedroom, and you prepared the food for the two of you before sitting down with him and eating.

As the two of you enjoyed your food while watching a movie, you noticed Akiteru glance over at you from time to time to take in your beautiful appearance. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was skillfully done up in a bun, and your face looked fresh and youthful, as always.

"What are you looking at?" you asked and blushed.

"I dunno—the label's dropped off," was his smart reply. You rolled your eyes, grumbling quietly under your breath as he leaned down towards you and pecked your cheek.

"You've got ten seconds to change your answer," you threatened jokingly.

He ran his hand through his blonde hair and smiled at you. "Okay, I was looking at my wonderful and beautiful wife whom I love more than anything else in the world," he corrected himself.

"That's better."


After you'd finished your dinner, all of the stress and weariness you'd accumulated throughout the day suddenly hit you again, and you were asleep before you even knew it. Akiteru felt your weight against him grow heavier, and he turned off the television when he saw that you'd fallen asleep.

He picked you up and carried you into the bedroom before pulling back the covers and gently setting you down in bed. He then crawled into bed next to you, pulled the covers up around you, and wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling your body closer to his.

"Mmh... Thanks, babe..." you murmured softly as you snuggled up to him.

"You're welcome, you little party pooper. Try not to fall asleep so fast, would you?" your husband joked as he brushed your hair out of your face and kissed your forehead.

"But this way I get to cuddle with you..."

"I'll cuddle with you whenever you want, you know."

"I know. I love you, Akiteru."

You pecked his lips softly, and he captured yours in another kiss as he said, "I love you too, (f/n)." You then nestled your face in his neck, and he stayed awake for a few moments longer to think about where he'd leave his little love notes for you tomorrow.


A/n: I think Akiteru is a lil cutie so I had to write about him! Tell me what you think! Did I do good with his character?
I was thinking about writing a Hanamaki one next... What do you think?

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