"Jagiya!" You heard Kai call from the living room.
His yell startled you half to death, so in the shock you panicked, as you were hurriedly pulling your pyjama bottoms up, you tripped and fell to the floor. "Gah!" You huffed as you landed on the carpet. You ended up lying on your bedroom floor, your pink pants hanging around your knees.
"_______, pali!" Your boyfriend ordered, and with a strained grunt, you lifted you hips up off the floor and yanked your pants the rest of the way up. Huffing happily you rolled over onto your knees and quickly got to your feet and then made your way out of your bedroom towards the living room where Kai, your boyfriend of three years, was bent over popping a DVD into the player, giving you a glorious view of his backside.
Blushing slightly at the wonderful view, you walked around the back of the sofa and dropped onto the soft cushions, letting your head fall back onto the back rest, facing up to the ceiling with your eyes closed. You felt the cushions at your side dip and the feeling of a strong arm wrapping around you.
You lifted your head back up and opened your eyes to looked to your right only to be surprised when Kai quickly stole a kiss from your lips. You huffed and pouted your lips at him, which only made his heart flutter about in his chest. "Don't give me that look, jagiya," Kai chuckled and pulled you closer to him to press his soft full lips to your forehead. "You know it drives me crazy."
With a smile set on your lips, you gave him a brisk peck on his cheek as he pressed some buttons on the DVD remote. Your heart jumped up to sit in your mouth when the high pitched, pained squeals of a woman filled your ears. Holding your hand to your heaving chest you looked at the TV to see that Kai had put on a horror film, which was unusual for him because he was a bit of a baby when it came to scary things. You remembered the day he flinched when some confetti flew out near him, resulting in him running to you for a comforting hug.
"Erm, babe?" You asked him, looking at the side of his face as he pressed the play button. "Are you sure about this? Saw is a pretty gruesome film."
He rested his head on top of yours and sighed happily. "Of course I'm sure, baby, I'm a manly man now. So it's my turn to comfort you when you're scared." He placed a gentle kiss on your hair and pulled you as close as he could to him, your nose nuzzled in his neck, breathing in the sweet heavenly smell that only he possessed.
The film opened up to start at a busy park like area, the camera rotating around until it finally focused on a window. Inside, strapped to a table, rotating saws set in front of them were two men. Then hovering above them was a woman, being held above a third saw. After the three victims screamed they went silent when Billy, Jigsaw's puppet, appeared and explained the rules.
The saws whirred to life and you felt Kai grip your hand tightly, his sweaty fingers lacing with yours. You smiled at his attempt to act brave in front of you, but when the saw started to cut into the woman, he gasped and twisted his head to hide his face on your shoulder. "Okay, I was wrong," he mumbled in a frightened tone into your neck. "I'm not as manly as I thought."
With a chuckle you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend and kissed the top of his head, pulling him into a tight, comforting hug. "It's okay," you murmured as you stroked his hair with your hand. "I'll protect you, baby."
(A/N: First one posted :D WHOOP WHOOP!! Kai is ruining my bias list so bad at the moment, he's in second place behind BaekHyun, but he will never take first place :P The gif of his jumping when that confetti went off is the cutest thing ever! I posted it to the side so you can see for yourselves if you haven't already seen it. I'll be posting another imagine in a minute! Please remember to COMMENT and VOTE.. Every form of criticism is taken, good or bad.)

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...