A/N: Cute Kai imagine requested by @suznin319. I hope you like it.
"Happy birthday, umma!" A young dark haired girl chirped.
A smile spread across your lips when your living room lights were flicked off and your 6 year old twins walking in side holding a simply made chocolate cake. "Wow!" you gushed as you removed the hair from your daughter eyes and tucked it behind her ear. "It's beautiful, thank you so much."
"We made it ourselves, umma!" Your son said with the brightest smile on his chubby face. "We asked nanny to help us with it."
"Appa normally helps us, but..." Your little girl started to speak but then she froze and looked down at her feet, a small tear welling up and rolling down her cheek. "But he isn't here."
"Aww, sweetie," you cooed. Taking the cake out of your children's hands you placed it carefully on the arm of the sofa and then pulled them close to you, letting them snuggle into you, wiping away their tears with your delicate fingers, trying to look strong for them by holding back your own tears. Your husband, Kai, had gone away to do his two years of service for the army, and even though he only had half a year left to serve, to you it felt like longer. For you and your children it felt like years until the day you would go to pick up your much loved husband from the airport.
"I'm scared umma," your daughter whimpered, her voice weak and shaky.
Pulling her closer you placed a gentle hiss on her hair. "Don't be scared sweetie, daddy will be home soon."
You were just about to suggest watching your kids favourite movie when there was a gentle knock on the front door. "You pick out a film while I answer the door, it'll be nanny coming round to say hello." Letting your kids move away from your loving grasp you pushed yourself up off the sofa and made your way to the front door. Turning the handle you pulled the door open and beamed a bright smile at your mum, who was holding a box of assorted party foods within it.
You weren't having a party, but you always loved the little sausage rolls and cocktail sausages and your mother had offered to bring some. "Hello mum!" You beamed and gave her a quick hug before letting her pass by you.
"Morning dear," she said with a smile. You followed her into the kitchen and you watched her as she pulled out a long strip of black fabric from her pocket and looked at you with a huge smile. "Turn around." She ordered in the mothering tone you knew so well and gave you that stern look when you were about to ask questions. You turned around and your mum proceeded to wrap the scarf around your eyes.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Don't curse!" She ordered and you chuckled a little. She had always being the kind to overreact to everything, even a simple swear word. "Just follow me." And she started to walk away.
"Mother, how can I follow you when I can't see?"
"Oh, right, of course." You felt her grab your hand and drag you behind her, not having a clue to what she was doing, but after living in your house for as long as you had, you knew the way around well and knew she had lead you through the living room and towards the patio doors and opened out to your large back garden. "Now, it took a lot of effort on mine and your Fathers behalf to get you this present."
"It isn't that car Jongin kept bothering his parents for is it?"
"Oh gosh no," she laughed. "It's much better than that." Your mothers hands gripped at your shoulders and you were pulled to a stand still. She gripped at the knot at the back of the fabric and smiled. "You ready?"
You shrugged, you have never been one for surprises, but your mother always insisted on them. With a quick tug the blindfold fell off to reveal a tall rectangular cardboard box sat just ahead of you on your garden.
Walking over to it slowly you gripped hold of the bow that was wrapped neatly around it. Biting down on your bottom lip you tugged it and then gripped hold of the cardboard flaps and slowly pulled them back. Your eyes widened and a scream escaped past your lips.
"Hey babe," the deep voice of your husband rang in your ears as he walked out from inside the box to wrap his arms around you. "Happy birthday."
With hot salty tears rolling down your cheeks you jumped up and wrapped your legs around Kai's waist, your lips crashing against his in that long awaited kiss, the one you had been waiting a year and a half to give him. "Oh my gosh, Jongin I can't believe it's you!" You whined as you placed multiply kisses all over his cheek, forehead, jaw and neck.
"I've missed you so much, baby," he purred as you lips locked onto his neck, trailing more kisses along his delicate skin, trying to get your lips to the skin hidden underneath his army uniform. Your lips locked again in a whirlwind of passion, that was in fact true love. A love that was so potent it made your auras shine bright.
"I've missed you too, but Jongin."
"Hmm," he hummed against your lips.
"What's with the box?"
Kai let out a sexy chuckle, it vibrating within your ears. "Well, at Christmas you said you wanted me as a present so you could unwrap me."
You raised your eyebrows at him, an explosion of laughing building up and up within your stomach until finally, you threw your head back and burst out into a set of hysterics. "Babe, you misunderstood me, that's not what I meant."
"Oh?" He said confused and when you flashed him the sexy smile of your he loved do much his eyes widened. "Oh," he mumbled in realisation. Kai huffed and shook his head. "I'm such an idiot."
"Even if it wasn't what I meant, it was the most amazing gift ever."
Kai pulled you closer to him and lowered his lips to your ear and shushed his voice down to a whisper. "Well, you're free to unwrap the rest of me later."

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...