132. Suho (cute)

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"You didn't look like an idiot," you encourage Suho, reaching out your hand to gently rub his shoulder, only to retract it quickly and nervously clear your throat when Suho looked at your hand upon his skin with wide eyes. With your cheeks blushing violently you quickened your steps, hoping the increased friction of the chilling night air will cool down your rosy skin and aid the blush to fade.

A few steps behind Suho was smiling, his skin still tingling under his thin dress shirt where your hand had just been settled, and it was almost enough to make him forget about tripping up a passing waiter in the restaurant, causing a chain of unfortunate, and rather sticky events as the tray of drinks he had been carrying tipped over several surrounding tables.

"Way to ruin your first date, Joonmyun," he verbally downed himself, shaking his head as he looked down at the pavement as it passed under his feet, his fingers massaging his temples.

"This is me," you spoke softly and Suho shuffled to a halt, looking up to see you stood in front of some concrete steps that led up to a large dark brown wooden door. "I had fun," you admitted nervously as you tugged a strand of hair that had managed to fall free from your tight, elegant up-do.

"So did I," Suho mumbled with a gentle smile, his hands itching to reach forwards and grasp yours.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in work tomorrow?" You asked, somehow hoping that the way you twiddled your thumbs and kicked at the pavement would be enough of a hint for him to wrap his arms around you and wish you a good night. But as usual, Suho just nodded, completely oblivious to your hints. Sighing heavily you waved your hand through the foggy night air and proceeded up your steps, pulling your key out to unlock and open your front door.

Suho's eyes shot open as he took a step forwards, his hands reaching out. "But..." He spoke but his soft voice was only muffled by the closing of your heavy door, his heart singing deep in his chest and his limbs went limp. "I didn't get a hug."

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