I never mention a single member in this so once you've read it I want you to comment what member you though it was and why!
A deep regretful sigh escaped your lips as you reached for the short tumbler, taking a large bitter gulp from your fifth whiskey.
I'll only have two fingers, you thought as you giggled drunkenly, taking another gulp, the melted ice-cube pressing against your moistened lips, cooling your skin. I'm a fucking idiot.
You'd been sat on your couch waiting for the phone to ring, the landline easily within arms reach, ready for you to pounce on it. But it didn't ring. There was nothing but... Silence.
You couldn't take anymore of the dull ringing in your ear caused by your copious consumption of cheap liquor so you steadied yourself with your free hand and pushed up off the sofa, stumbling towards the centres coffee table, tripping over one of your slippers and sloshing some of your drink over the rim of the crystal and on to the old, dusty carpet.
You swipe up the Sky remote and flick the telly on. "You've always been good to me," you whisper in a slur as you hold the remote to your face in a weird drunken hug.
You flop back down onto the couch after becoming the last drops of your drink and quickly pour yourself another two fingers. You began to flick through the channels, eyes so hazed over by the vast amount of consumed alcohol you could see nothing but blue and black. So you guessed, pressing a shaky finger on the button you chose a channel.
"Did you pull a knife on me in the night," Ygritte, a character on the long running HBO show Game of Thrones said, her lay on the cold ground, tied up tightly with Jon Snow, a watcher of the wall pressed up to her back for warmth. He quickly moved to his feet facing off into the distance, eyes glazing over the baron, icy waste that was the North. Ygritte rolled onto her back to look at him and say, "What's the matter? Can't be the first time you've pressed your bone against a woman's arse."
You laughed. The loud, over the top kind of laughs all drunk people do. "Even he's getting more than me and he's a bloody virgin."
You almost drop your drink when the phone by your side blurted out in an unexpected screech. You quickly grasped for it. "Hello?!" You shouted down the speaker.
"Babe?" A soft voice on the other side called. "It's me."
"Jon Snow? My beautiful Northern King, I knew you'd come for me."
"What? No!" He grumbled. "It's me, your husband."
"Oh," you huff. "You mean the man that no longer has any time left for me?"
"Babe, I..."
"No, don't bother," you interrupt before taking another sip of your drink. "I know you're ringing me with bad news so be a darling and just get it out of the way so I can continue staring at Kit Harrington's fine arse."
On the other side of the call, your husband furrowed his eyebrows into a frown. He wished you were wrong but yet again, you'd hit the nail right on the head. "Look, honey, I'm really sor-"
"I don't want an apology it excises," you spit. "Just tell me the bad news and let's be done with it."
He inhales a shaky breath. "The tour has been extended again." He admitted. "Our manager has added another seven dates to the tour and they're all in Europe so I won't be home for, another..." He paused to count. "At least four months."
you sat up straight at this news. "You mean instead of being home with me on our first anniversary your going to be fucking around with hundreds of teenage girls."
"Babe, I'm sorry but it's-"
"It's your job, I know. It's about the five hundredth time you've used that excuse."
"Do you want anything bring back?"
"Divorce papers?" You laughed. It may have seemed vicious and wrong to say that, but your husband had skipped out on you only a week after your wedding to go on tour and he'd been gone just over ten months now and your were getting pissed off.
"Babe?" He said, the hurt sharp in his tone.
"Well unless your home for our anniversary that's all I want. Because I didn't marry you to be sat here alone watching the television, I married you to spend my life together. But you just went and fucked off. So either you get your priorities straight or we're through."
And you hung up.
He's got until the 20th May.
Let's see what's more important to him: his job... Or his wife.

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...