"Baekhyun," you called out through the house as you skipped into the living room, waving a plastic case about in the air with a wide smile set on your lips. "Come play with me!" You dropped onto the couch cushion as your boyfriends side and linked your arms through his, snuggling up to his side with a pleading pout, battering your long black eyelashes at him.
"What did you have in mind?" He asked casually as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, removing his arms from yours and setting it across your shoulders.
Lifting up the blank game case you waved it in Baekhyun's face and beamed brightly. "Play this game!"
With a sigh, Baekhyun agreed and followed you through the house and into your games round, him sitting down in front of the computer, you pulling up a chair at his side. Popping it into the tray he set his left hand against the keypad and gripped the mouse with his right. Squinting at the screen, the blood in his face seemed to rush away, his cheeks becoming a pale ghostly white as he read the word "Outlast" on the screen.
"Jagiya," his voice shook. "What is this?"
"A horror game!"
"What?!" He squeaked and tried to push himself away, only to be pulling back down by you.
"Your not a chicken, are you?" you teased, yanking on his arm gently and he stared at you wide eyed. When he didn't respond and just glared at the screen in hopes you'd let him go free, cringing slightly when the eerie game music became louder. You started to cluck, "chick-chick-chick-chick-chicken!" You mocked, giggling when he expression became serious.
"Fine!" He growled sternly. "I will show you!"
With a deep breath he started the game, leading the character throughout the huge and sinister asylum, squealing and flinching every time one of the antagonists popped out of nowhere. Baekhyun's breathing was becoming just as heavy as the characters, his fingers jabbing the keys so hard you were surprised his fingers didn't bleed. His jaw clenched and teeth gritted when a huge, blood covered man burst through a door and started to chase his character through the blood stained corridors, charging through an open door and slamming it.
"Oh my..." He breathed, holding his hand over his heaving chest as you bit your lips, forcing yourself not to laugh. "Is this..." Baekhyun mumbled incoherently to himself as he stares at the screen, leaning in closer towards the pixelated horror. "Am I in a library?"
He manoeuvred his character around the bookcases, peering around each corner for several seconds longer than anybody else would. "It seems safe," he muttered under his breath, forcing the man to walk down between the shelves of blood splattered books.
"ARGH!!" He screamed when a headless body fell down from the ceiling to hang in front of the camera, a strong horrific bang sounding. Baekhyun pushed back, his chair catching against the rug and toppling from under his feet, him crashing to the floor.
You couldn't hold it anymore. Throwing your head back you bawled with laugher, your stomach starting to ache from the pain. Scrambling back to his feet Baekhyun grabbed the mouse and threw it at you, it weakly bouncing off your chest to land in your lap. "You play the damn game!" He screamed and stomped his foot against the floor. "I don't wanna play anymore!"

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...