Requested by @FloralPanganib
"Bollocks!" You cussed viciously, slamming your fist down onto the marble kitchen counter top. "Do not try and pull the wool over my eyes, Oh Sehun!" You spat, emphasising his name with raw fury.
"Babe, listen-" Sehun begged as his fingers fumbled helplessly at the top button of his freshly laundered dress shirt.
You held your hand up to cut him off mid-sentence, shaking your head violently from side to side. "Don't start spitting out nonsense, Sehun," you growled deep in your throat. "We both know you are a fucking terrible lier!"
Sehun pouted, guilt swamped over his handsome face, his eyebrows pusses together, his forehead creased. "I'm sorry," he apologised, his eyebrows twitching as tears brimmed in the corners of his deep chocolate eyes.
"Do not lie to me," you growled, your fists clenched, arms rigid at your sides as you stormed past Sehun, heading down the hallway towards the spare bedroom you had in your shared apartment.
"I am not lying!" He bellowed, throwing his arms up in frustration, his half buttoned shirt flailing open flashing his well toned stomach, his buttons mismatched. He began to follow after you.
You skidded to an abrupt stop, spun round quickly and pointed at him with a long finger. "Stop right there!" You yelled harshly. "Don't come any closer!"
"I am not lying!" He repeats, furrowing his eyebrows at you, his eyes looking sincere, but looking at the way he was scratching at his neck nervously just proved to you that he was lying.
"You're a lying piece of shit, Sehun!" You snarled, and took a stern step forward, him falling backwards a little, tripping over his own feet, having to place a steadying hand up against the hallway wall. "You're not sorry," you argued, your tone cold and flat. "Because you did it." You took another step closer, eyes glaring deep into his, lips pressed together into a thin line, fists still clenched tight by your side. You threw one up to point a shaky finger at his face. "You're only sorry that you got caught!"
"I didn't mean for it to happen," Sehun defended, his fingers running through his ash blonde hair.
You scoffed sarcastically. "So what," you began with a snide laugh. "You tripped and fell into her twat?" You bellowed with a sadistic laugh. "Repeatedly?"
"Don't waste your breath," you snarled. "Better yet, why don't you hold it!" You grabbed hold of the bedroom door handle and pushed it open with force. "Indefinitely!" You slammed your door and pressed your back up against the cold wood. The chipboard as cold as Sehun's heart. 'How could he do this?' You think as you slide down the door, landing at the bottom on your backside with a thump, your knees curled up to your chest, face buried in your arms, mascara trickling down your cheeks to stain your white skinny jeans.
"Babe?" Sehun's voice called softly. His forehead was resting against the bedroom door, a single palm placed flat upon the cold wood, his eyes looking down at the ground in shame. "I truly am sorry."
You sniffled and lifted your head up off your arms, rubbing the tears from your eyes and tip off your nose off onto the entirety of your forearm, a large black smudge striped up the centre. "Don't bother apologising to me if you're just going to keep doing the thing you're so sorry for."
"I know you're angry, but I really do love you."
"Doesn't feel like it," you mutter, a tear falling from the corner of your left eye.
Sehun sighed and banged his head against the door in frustration. "Just open the door and let me explain."
You took a deep breath in through your nose and pushed it out through your trembling lips. Placing your palm to the rough carpet, you pushed yourself up to you your feet. Turning the knob you readied yourself for pain.
Sehun looked at your tear sodden face and frowned deeply. Him taking in a sharp breath when he noticed how swollen and bloodshot your eyes had become. With a guilt ridden voice he spoke, "Listen-"
"No," you snapped, your voice quiet and weak. "I'm done listening to your excuses." You clenched your teeth and drew in yet another deep breath, your heart thumping at 160 beats a minute, your palms sweating, knees buckling, lips trembling. "I can't do this."
Sehun's eyes widened, his jaw dropping. "Can't do what?"
Tears stated to flow down your cheeks again as you barged past him into the bedroom you shared with Sehun, scowling and shivering at the sight of the messy, screwed up sheets, pillows scattered and thrown all over the floor, Sehun's boxers still draped over the board at the end of the king sized mattress. You pulled open your draw and stuffed what ever clothes you could into your gym bag you pulled out from under the bed, struggling to zip it up, Sehun's constant flurry of questions making it harder to concentrate.
"We're in a relationship!" Sehun shouted, anger and sorrow mixed in his tone. "And in relationships you forgive each other."
"Not this time," you spoke softly, your voice quieter than a whisper, yet Sehun still managed to hear.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore!" You scream, tears burying from your eyes for a second time. Barging past him with force, dragging your heavy bag along behind you by the strap you headed towards the from door. "You say we're in a relationship, Sehun, but relationships are only built for two." You stop on the spot, your hand grasping the front door handle, your head turning so you could see him in the corner of your eye, your focus on the floor by your feet. Before leaving and slamming the door you gave his a sharp glare, staring right into his eyes, saying, "But some bitches just don't know how to count!"
Oooh, drama! I'm not sure if this qualifies as a sad imagine, but I tried my best to make it different from all those imagines where the guy dies...
(Next imagine posted when this one reaches 300 reads)

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...