Sehun looked down at the golden band of metal wrapped tightly around his finger. His hands were withered, dry and wrinkled like the old, under appreciated pages of an ancient library book.
Smiling he twiddled with it, pulling the metal band off his finger to examine it closer.
"So many memories," he muttered before slipping it back on. He walked across his living room to stand beside a beautifully carved old oak desk, reaching out he let his fingers brush across the glass protecting the photo he held dear to his heart.
He picked it up and looked down at it, he was younger then, so much younger. His face in the image was flawless, a huge smile spread across his lips, flashing his award winning grin. But what made him smile even now was that within the image his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, you mid-laugh, his head resting on your shoulder.
He let his fingers brush against the glass gently before looking at the tips where a thin layer of grey dust had collected. He sighed heavily as he placed the picture frame back into its designated spot.
A small yap filled his ears as he straightened up the ornaments and other frames set on the desk. Spinning around he was greeted with a bark as his dog, the dog you had bought him as a puppy many years ago, jumped up on Sehun, begging to be taken out, his lead hanging from his mouth.
"Such a smart boy," Sehun muttered as he gave the elderly dog a scratch behind the ear. "You know what day it is, don't you?" The dog barked as Sehun took the lead from him and clipped it to his collar. "Let's go then."
He grabbed his hat and his house keys before stepping outside into the bright mid-summer sun, an array of flowers growing around the flower beds of the front yard you had spent months planting and pruning.
Sehun made his way down the street, heading to the shop he went to on this day every year, his dog trotting along at his side.
Arriving at the old green door he bent down with difficulty, receiving a lick up his face. Tying the dog to the post and gave him a stroke before getting up, his hands braced on his knees for help. "I won't be long," Sehun muttered before stepping into the store, greeted by the fragrant scent of blooming flowers.
"Good morning, Sehun," the middle aged lady greeted him. "Is it that day already?" Sehun simply nodded. The lady smiled sweetly as she started to collect up a selection of white, light pink and lilac roses, some lavender and a few small peonies; your favourite flowers and colours mixed into the one wonderful bouquet.
Sehun handed her the money before taking the flowers and walking back out into the sun. "Let's go," he spoke to the dog and he loosened his lead and carried on across the road and through a set of uniquely moulded iron gates, the metal bent into the shape of leaves, flowers and woodland creatures.
Sehun quickly let the dog loose, him charging straight ahead away from Sehun, a weak smile set on his lips. He heard his dogs bark grown louder as he drew nearer to a huge oak tree stood strong in the centre of the park.
To others this tree may seem like nothing, but to you and Sehun it was the world. For 75 years ago, when you and Sehun were only ten, you first met on this spot, where you decided to plant a single acorn, which grew into the magnification tree Sehun now stood before.
Arriving in front of the tree he got down on his knees and set the bouquet inside a glass vase, a small gathering of water at the bottom.
A line of wet, salty tears formed along his waterline, and as he set his withered left hand against the expensive carved marble they escaped, running down his cheeks to splash against the luscious green grass.
"Happy anniversary, sweetheart," Sehun muttered to your grave stone, letting his fingers wipe across the carved lettering. "I miss you so much."
His dog arrived at his side and cuddled underneath his eyes, a low whine rumbling up his throat. Sehun petted his dog and smiled weakly to himself, remembering the day you gave him to Sehun as a gift. Dusting away some fallen leaves off your stone he muttered, "I love you. I always have, and I always will."

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...