A/N: Cute Lay imagine requested by @BiggestRemusLupinFan. I hope you like it :)
Pulling the fridge door open you grumbled under your breath and threw your arms up into the air. This was the fifth time this month you had woken up starving and had been greeted with empty shelves. You got changed into some of your boyfriends sweat pants and pulled on your coat before walking out of your house to get into your car. Driving the distance to the local super market you parked right outside the front and quickly ran inside to get out of the horrid winter breeze.
"Bacon... bacon..." you mumbled as you walked past isle after isle, looking down each of them looking for the one that housed the breakfast goods. "Where the hell is the bacon!" you whined as you walked down a random line. An elderly lady giving you strange looks for talking to yourself, but you did it often enough. With your boyfriend having a very time consuming job it was the only way you could keep yourself entertained.
You had actually started yelling at your television now, screaming at contestants on game shows when they made stupid decisions. "Aha!" You chimed when you finally found it. grabbing two packets of bacon, a carton of eggs and a pack of sausages you briskly made your way to the check out to pay for them. You thanked the young girl who packed your goods away into a bag and made your way back towards your car.
Stepping out into the bitter weather you fumbled with numb fingers to unlock your car, hissing when you dropped your key on the floor. After bending down to pick it back you stood up straight and it was then you saw him across the street stood outside a small expensive jewelry store.
You grinned. "Yi-" you started to yell but stopped immediately when Yixing was tapped on the shoulder by a strange unfamiliar girl. Yixing beamed at her and gave her a quick hug before walking into the jewellery shop with her.
You felt your heart shatter and your chest constricted tightly. As is somebody had punched their fist through your ribs and had their fingers gripped around your heart, stabbing sharp, dagger-like nails into it. Without warning, a river of salty tears wahed down from your eyes like waterfalls, dripping off to dampen your shirt.
You got into your car and tossed the shopping into the back with so much force you heard the various cracks as the half a dozen eggs smashed. Stabbing the key into the ignition you revved the car violently and roared out of the car park, driving like a boy racer, your vision blinded slightly by your constant flow of heavy tears.
You slammed your house door so hard you wouldn't have been surprised it it had ripped off it's hinges. You felt betrayed, hurt and stupid. Stupid for thinking an idol could ever love just one girl. Stupid because you actually thought Yixing loved you. But the worse thing of all, by far, was the fact today was your five year anniversary. You pressed yourself against the corner of your bedroom and slid down the wall to sit, curled up in a tight ball, hugging your knees for comfort.
"Thank you so much," Yixing thanked the girl, giving her a hug, smiling and waving at her as they parted ways and Yixing headed back towards the house. Unlocking the front door he walked in and shut the door. "Babe!" he called out. When you didn't say a word he furrowed his eyes brows and called out again. Again, no answer. Scratching his head, Yixing made his way down the hall way and pushed open the bedroom door, walking into the dark room.
He heard the muffled sniffles coming out of the darkness and when he flipped the switch and saw you in the far corner, your head on your knees, your frail figure quivering from your sobs, he gasped and darted over to drop at your side. Placing a gentle hand on your back he mumbled the words, "Babe, are you okay?"
You smacked his hand away and got to your feet. "No, I am not okay!" you screamed and faced him with blood shot eyes.
"W-what has happened?"
You pointed a long finger at him. "You! That's what!" You stomped your foot on the floor. "I can't believe I actually trusted you!"
Yixing tilted his head to the side, words not being able to describe how confused he was. "What?"
"You fucking cheated on me!" You bellowed. "I saw you with that.. bitch, outside that jewellery shop! It's our anniversary, Yixing, have you forgotten that?"
"No, I haven't, if you just let me expl-"
"You don't need to!" You cut him off harshly. You turned to walk towards the bedroom door. "It's over!" You were just about to exit the bedroom when Yixing gripped your wrist and spun you around.
"Listen to me, ________," he ordered, his tone serious. "Just because I go to a jewellery shop with another girl doesn't mean I'm cheating on you. I love you, and you of all people should know that." He took a deep breath and held you still, staring down into your eyes. "She's a friend! I asked her to help me pick out this!" He pulled out a small rectangular box from his coat pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace. The chain was made of thin and delicate silver, but the thing that caught your eye was the pendant. It was his power symbol, embossed with small glittering diamonds. "She helped me, I needed a girl's opinion and I obviously couldn't ask you."
Your heart thumped heavily as he walked around to stand behind you, fastening the necklace around your neck before placing a sweet kiss on your cheek. "Happy anniversary, jagiya."

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...