Volume One.
1. What would Suho, Kris and Luhan do if they found out their girlfriend had been in a car accident?
Knowing Suho to be a very emotional individual I believe, if he found out over the phone, he would lose grip on it and it would drop to the floor, his tears not waiting to spill out over his cheeks, them never stopping and never faulting. And even though Suho is a strong leader, I would see him running to his fellow members for comfort, letting then hug him while he sobbed endlessly. At the hospital he would remain loyal by your side, only ever leaving your room to retrieve food or drink, using the uncomfortable armchair at your side as his makeshift bed. I can also see Suho being the type to sing to you while you slept, his fingers gentle caressing your bruised cheek.🌸KRIS🌸
Although on the surface Kris seems rather strong willed and brave, after hearing about your accident this persona would wash away almost immediately. Kris, unlike Suho, wouldn't drop the phone, instead he would hold it to his ear in silence before letting out a shaky cackle. "Whoever you are, this isn't funny," he would mumble into the speaker, but upon hearing the doctors serious tone and the news had finally sank in, Kris would to hesitate to barge out of the building he was in and drive to the hospital at lightening speed, not caring when speed cameras flashed. He would refuse to leave your side, his fingers constantly laced with yours, relying on the other members to bring him food. Kris wouldn't cry much, but this doesn't mean to say he isn't devastated, he would just be in so much shock he couldn't physically bring himself to weep at your side.🌸LUHAN🌸
I see Luhan as the type to blame himself for everything, yelling at himself and mentally dragging himself down by hissing things like, "I should have been there," and "I could have stopped this," to himself, ignoring the other members when they tried to convince him nothing is his fault. Even though Luhan is the second oldest member, I see him as being one of the weakest, relying on the others to comfort him and tell him everything will be okay. Luhan would always get all worked up and fuss over you when you got a mere paper cut, so seeing you in your comatose state would shatter him. Not even managing to reach your bedside before he collapsed to the floor in a whining mess, flinching slightly when a the comforting hand of another member rested on his shaky shoulder. luhan would be the silent type, reply on gestures to reply to questions asked of him, his head constantly resting against your chest, listening intently to your weak heart beat.2. What would Kris and Kai do if their girlfriend tried to bribe them to buy her a plushy with aegyo?
Kris would probably be very easily won over and would fall into your trap like a moth to a flame. Swooning over how adorable you look when your pucker your lips and puff out your rosy cheeks. At first he would try his hardest not to fall for your aegyo but when you realised it wasn't working and rounded your eyes like a big puppy he would sigh out and shake his head, cupping your small face with his big hand and pulling your towards him to place a gentle kiss on your lips, smiling faintly when you started to hop about excitedly. "Don't think doing aegyo will always make you get your own way," he would say to you with a stern expression. You, however, know that no matter how much self control he gets he will never be able resist your big sparkling eyes and pursed lips.🌸KAI🌸
Kai would be the opposite to Kris. Although he would find your widened eyes, and pouty lips extremely adorable he wouldn't fall into it so easily. Being the second youngest, and also being full of aegyo himself he would just puff up his cheeks back at you, cooing mentally when you sulked at him, folding your arms across your chest and pouting like a little kid. To which, Kai would wrap his arms around you and press a sweet kiss to your cheek. "If you want something all you need to do is ask, sweetie," he would purr into your ear, smirking when you planted and quick kiss on his full lips and run towards the check out hugging your new plushy.3. What would Luhan, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo do if their girlfriends were manlier than them?
Knowing Luhan believes he's very manly would probably entitle he thinks he's braver and stronger than you. Upon finding out about your tomboyish nature he would initially challenge you to a one on one football match, winking at you and teasing you cutely whenever he managed to steal the ball from you. If you ever managed to score a goal he would sulk and blame you for cheating and pout at you, to which you would pinch his cheek and kiss him gently on the lips. "I wanted to win," he would whine and tilt his chin up so you couldn't plant your lips on his as your punishment. "You'll always be a winner to me," you would coo and hug him tightly, which is when he would finally give in and return your kisses, suggesting you both head back home to watch a scary film, just so he can hold you close when you get scared. You knew full well that it would only end up with you comforting him, but you were happy he was trying to act brave for you.🌸BAEKHYUN🌸
Baekhyun however, unlike Luhan, probably already understands and accepts he isn't the most manly member of the group, so instead of trying to act brave and manly in front of you he would just smother you with tight hugs and sweet kisses, never failing to use his adorable aegyo in any situation possible. He wouldn't mind being the one cuddling up to you in bed, him resting his head on your chest as he mumbled sweet nothings before drifting into a deep content sleep in your arms.🌸KYUNGSOO🌸
Kyungsoo would be halfway between Baekhyun and Luhan, he is more aware of the fact he's seen as one of the cuter members by his fans but when he's alone with you he won't fail to act manly, especially when it comes to strange men hitting on you. He would instantly pull you into his side and crash his lips to yours in a devilishly sweet and sexy kiss out in the open, making sure all persons around know you are his and only his. "You are mine," he will mumble into your ear as he trails his lips along your jaw, leaving little love bites as his own personal stamp.4. What would Kai do if he caught his girlfriend cheating on him?
Kai would most likely hide away his feelings at first, hoping to himself that it all been one big hallucination. He wouldn't tell you he saw you in bed with another guy after coming back home late, neither would he tell the other members, embarrassed with himself that he fell in love with a girl who could never love him back. However it was never really your fault, the guy you had slept with had In fact spiked your drink with the date rape drug and had managed to get you to take him home. And even though you knew full well you didn't mean to do it and it wasn't your fault, you couldn't help the guilt bubbling away within you. So when you confront Kai with teary eyes you explain everything and a Kai relaxes. At this point he would grab you and pin your up against a wall, trailing hot, damp kisses along your collarbone. "I guess I'll just have to claim you back then, won't I?" he would mumble against your ear as his hands trail across your body, gripping at your thighs and lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist, carrying you towards the bedroom.
5. What would Kris, Kai and Luhan do if they found out they all liked the same girl?
I highly believe that Kris wouldn't react very well to this kind of news. I see Kris as being the possessive kind of guy and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, even if it means going against his close friends and group mates to get you. He would try his best to show off in front of you and try to put Kai and Luhan to shame. I can see Kris being the guy to spoil you to try and win over your affections, taking you out for expensive meals and nights out, possibly even paying for you both to go on holiday alone together.🌸KAI🌸
I see Kai being very similar to Kris, but with Kai being so much younger than Kris I see him as being more shy when it comes to approaching you with his feelings. Knowing he could never outmatch Kris when it came to material goods he would instead go for the more simple things. Getting you to come over and watch a movie with him on your own, teaching you how to dance and even getting Kyungsoo to teach him how to cook so he could make you a meal for scratch, instead of taking you to a fancy restaurant he can't afford.🌸LUHAN🌸
Luhan however will be the shyest when it comes to finding out about the situation. He would feel rather outmatched by Kris and Kai and it will take him longer to pluck up the guts to confess his undying emotions for you. Like Kai, Luhan would prefer the simpler approach when it comes to dates, so instead of splurging out on five star restaurants and expensive holidays he would just simply ask you to accompany him for a private picnic in your local park, taking a football along with him so you both could have a little kick about, chasing after you and hugging your waist tightly from behind when you decide to run off holding the ball in your hands.

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...