A/N: Another Christmas imagine for my wonderful readers :) This is dedicated to all those that requested a Baekhyun imagine. Enjoy reading it!
"Who wants a drink?" You called out to your friends and to your surprise all 12 of them shot their hands up into the air and waved them about frantically, some of them chanting, "Me, me, me!" Over and over again.
Sighing with a chuckle you pushed yourself up off the sofa and walked into your kitchen, routing around in the cupboard for enough glasses, but coming to the conclusion that you didn't even own enough to cover half the lads you came to the decision of just handing them their drinks in the cans.
Hearing the shuffling of foot steps behind you as you retrieved 12 cans of cold cider from the fridge. Standing up you spun around with the cans cradled in the arms and stumbled back a little when you came face to face with Baekhyun.
"Hello," he mumbled simply, his voice like smooth velvet, soft and vibrant.
"H-hey," you stammered and gulped from the nerves as the intoxicating scent of his aftershave and minty breath mixed together and wafted over you like a warm blanket of sweet luscious goodness. "Could you t-take these through to the others?" You asked nervously, your words spoken so quickly they seemed to merge together into one long word.
"If you do something for me in return," he teased and took a step closer. You stumbled backwards, your eyes bulging when your back pressed up against the fridge door, pushing it shut.
A corner of Baekhyun's mouth twitched up into a devious and gorgeous crooked smile. His eyes curved into the distinctive crescent shaped eye smile you adored so much, his lips pulling up further to reveal his bright white teeth. It was then you realised he had his hands behind his back, rocking forwards on to his tiptoes, the minty scent strengthening and knocking the breath from your lungs.
Baekhyun whipped one of his arms from round his back and held it above your head, but your eyes were too focused on his sparkling eyes to care what his hands were doing.
"Kiss me under the mistletoe," Baekhyun muttered in a confident whisper, his eyes gliding down to focus on your mouth, his tongue flicking out to swipe across his rosy lips.
You gulped and slowly tore your eyes from his lips to look above you towards the ceiling, your eyes widening slightly when you spotted the neat bundle of mistletoe dangling above your heads, being held there by Baekhyun's long, delicate fingers. "Come on, ______," he cooed and pouted his kissable lips. "It is Christmas after all."
Pressing your lips together, you bit the inside of your cheek, hoping it would somehow help contain the nerves that were bubbling up deep inside you.
Baekhyun noticed how nervous he made you and his smile only grew wider, loving the way your hands shook slightly and the way you chomped down on your bottom lip to stop it from quivering.
It took you a couple of seconds you realise his head was moving closer, his warm breath wafting across your burning red cheeks. Your eyes unconsciously fluttered shut just seconds before Baekhyun's soft, slightly dampened lips locked with yours, his lips curling up at the corners into an accomplished smirk.
Pulling away to let you catch up with the breath he had stolen from you, he reached his free hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear and looked deep into your eyes. He moved his forehead to press against yours and muttered the gentle words, "Next time, I won't be needing the mistletoe."

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...