A/N: Cute and sad Baekhyun imagine requested by @xxIssuesUnsolvedxx. I hope you like it :)
•••Excuse my language but, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THAT GIF OF BAEKHYUN *Super ultimate nosebleed*•••
Glass shattered, metal snapped and bones broke. Up until this very moment you thought your life was perfect. The nice house. The nice cars. The loving, caring kind of husband every girl wanted. But most importantly, his child resting inside you.
Lay there in the rubble and chaos of burning metal and rubber you didn't know whether or not you would survive. Every time you tired to move a sharp, blistering pain would shoot up through your side, sending you messages that many of your ribs had snapped under the impact of the large van against your small, pathetic VW beetle.
You stayed motionless, even trying to cut down the amount you breathed in fear more pain would rage through you if you took in too much oxygen. You held you hand against your thirty week old bump and let your tears roll down from your eyes freely, watching them as they dropped from your chin to splash against your blood stained maternity shirt.
"Miss!" A voice yelled from outside the wreckage of your car you were sat within helplessly. You turned your head to look out the shattered, crumple window and saw the face of a paramedic looking in on you. "Miss, how badly are you hurt?"
"My ribs," you breathed. "But... my baby."
The paramedics eyes widened in shock and fear once he heard you mention your helpless child. The paramedic turned to yell at his colleagues, "This lady is pregnant! See she gets to the hospital now!"
You thoughts weren't on your pain, or on your decimated car. The thoughts of your husband, Baekhyun kept flashing through your mind. Seeing him clearly inside your head at home laughing away with his friends, completely oblivious to the trouble he beloved wife is currently in.
Baekhyun was home, with many of his fellow group mates, yelling at each other and laughing over the simulated football match playing out on the big screen. "Luhan!" Xiumin yelled and stopped his foot on the floor in frustration, tapping his fingers against the console rappidly. "Pass me the god damn ball!"
"Alright, don't get your knickers in a twist!" Luhan yelled back as he made his avatar pass Xiumin the ball, only to have it stolen by Baekhyun's player running between them. "Look what you did!"
"What I did?!" Xiumin groaned! "That was your fault, Luhan!" Both lads continued to chace after Baekhyun's player, grumbling and throwing their hands up into the air when the game was paused. "BAEK!!" they both called out.
"I've got a call," Baekhyun spoke calmly as he stood up and dropped his remote down onto Chanyeol's lap. "You continue." Looking down at the screen of his phone Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows at the unknown number, but answered it with a polite hello anyways.
"Is this Mr Byun Baekhyun?" a deep voice spoke.
"It is, may I ask who is speaking?"
"I am Doctor Chan, I have just treated a patient by the name of ________ Byun. She was in a horrendous car accident and-"
Everything went black, the doctors words merging together to create just one long droning sound. Tears formed in his eyes, not faulting to spill out as Baekhyun sobbed down the phone, trying to keep his voice as calm and collected as he could. "Is...is she okay? Is my wife o-okay?"
The way the doctor hesitated didn't boost Baekhyun up with any confidence. "I would rather explain in person, Mr Byun."
"I'll be there as soon as I can!" Baekhyun didn't even give the doctor time to say his goodbyes before Baekhyun slammed his thumb down on the 'end' button. Baekhyun grabbed his keys and was out the door in second flat, in too much of a rush to get to you to explain to his friends, who were currently calling after him as he revved down the road.
Baekhyun wasn't in a rule obeying mood, so he parked his car in one of the disabled spots and sprinting into the hospital, yelling your name to the receptionist so loud she jumped out of her seat before pointing down the hallway to the left.
He sprinting down it, looking into every room he passed, begging to find you soon, and as soon as he ran past your room and noticed his mistake, he skidded to a halt and bolted backwards to it.
"Mr Byun?" a similar voice called when Baekhyun was just about to push the door open. Baekhyun nodded and the doctor smile weakly. "I'm affraid your wife had six broken ribs, three cracked ones and she had also dislocated her shoulder."
"Is that every thing?" Baekhyun sighed, relieved that it could have been so much worse.
"No, there is one more thing, but it's best she explains that to you."
The doctor left Baekhyun, walking away to tend to his other patients. Baekhyun pushed the door in and smiled brightly when he saw you sat up in bed, reading a gossip magazine. "Baekhyun?!" You cried, trying your best to sit up straighter, but the stabbing pain in your sides stopped you. "I'm so sorry, Baekhyun!"
"Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for!" he spoke softly, sitting down in the seat at your side. "As long as you and our son are safe I don't care about anything else."
You burst out into tears, not giving Baekhyun a second notice to the salty drops working their way down your cheeks fast and thick. "That's the problem!" you whined, letting your head drop into your hands. Baekhyun looked at you befuddled, his expression caring and gentle, his eyes sinscere. "We lost him, Baekhyun."
Baekhyun stopped breathing and he swore his heart stopped too. "W-what?" Baekhyun wimpered, tears forming within his own eyes yet again.
You looked up into Baekhyun's damp eyes. "It's hopeless, Baekhyun, I'll never be a mother."
Baekhyun wrapped his arms around you, pulling you right into his side, planting several loving kisses upon the top of your head, letting you cry into his shirt. "There is always hope."

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...