35. Overheard (Kris)

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A/N: Cute Kris imagine requested by @TheNury0110. I hope you like it :)


You ran down the stairs at lightening speed, your feet somehow managing not to trip you up. The biggest smile possible was spread across your face as you bolted it into the kitchen. You were wearing some black and gold dollar sign leggings, a gold vest and your favourite hoodie, which just so happened to be your Exo jumper that had the word 'WOLF, 88' on the back and the name of your bias on the front; Kris.

You skipped over to the counter where your mum had just finished plating up your dinner and when she handed it to you, you ate it all so quickly you wouldn't be surprised if you had to suffer the pains of indigestion later on, but you couldn't care less. You were too excited.

Your phone started to ring in your pocket and you fished it out and put it to your ear, only to pull it away when you werre greeted by the over-excited screams of your best friend. "We're going to see Exo!" She squeaked! "We are actually, physically going to watch Exo... LIVE!! IN THE FLESH!!"

You couldn't help but laugh at her fan girly ways, she had always been the screaming type of fan, you, on the other hand were a little more reserved. She screamed over every single member, where as you only tended to proper freak over the beautiful Wu Yifan. "Have you got your hoodie on?" You asked.

"Err, DUH!! Of course I have! We're on our way to pick you up so you better be ready!"


"Let me see you put it up for Exo!" ChanYeol yelled into the camera as he skipped across the stage to stand beside Kris, the derp resting his elbow on the leaders shoulder. The audiance behind you screamed, and you of course joined in, pumping your fist into the air.

"How is everybody doing tonight?" Suho asked as he stepped out to stand at the front of the stage, shifting his gaze over the entire stadium, and in reply he got hundreds of screams.

You were lucky enough to have front row seats and you looked from one member to another, before finially looking up at Kris, who was looking down at his feet, kicking at the floor. Kris then looked up and his eyes locked with yours, and a flirtacious, bewitching grin spread across his lips and your cheeks blushed.

You quickly looked away as Kris bent his head down to whisper into Tao's ear. "Wow," he said and pointed at you as descretly as he could manage. "She is so beautiful, I must get her number."

The only problem was, Kris had failed to realise his whisper wasn't as quiet as he first thought. He had completly forgotten about the microphone hooked around his face. The unknown girls all around you started to gasp and screech, hopping up and down on the spot, silently cursing you.

You looked up at Kris and he danced about a bit, before biting his lip and winking at you. "Yeah, I was talking about you, gorgeous," as he pointed a finger at you, his cheeks slightly flushing when he saw you were wearing a hoodie with his name on it.

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