Send your own imagine...
Written by KingHoseokkie•••
The door slammed, startling me.
In two seconds, my roommate, (Y/N) stormed into the kitchen, immediately opening the fridge and taking the bowl of cookie dough she'd left.
Huffing, she put a spoonful in her mouth and sat on the counter, and upset look crossing her features.
"What's the matter?" I asked softly. "I thought you would be gone for a long time on your date."
She rolled her eyes, looking downwards. "I was on my date, but the guy was an asshole. We were telling eah other about ourselves, so I decided not to hid it and just tell him I'm Bisexual." A tear rolled down her cheek. "Next thing I know, he's yelling religious remarks at me and shaming me for not be straight. In. Fucking. Public. Imagine the glares of an entire restaurant of homophobic assholes when they hear the words "Bisexual freak" from across the room."
She set the bowl aside, leaning her face into her hands. Before she could begin to cry, I stepped up and moved her arms away.
I was too late, as her tears were already streaming down her cheeks.
"Hey," I began, putting a hand on her cheek and rubbing the tear-soaked skin with my thumb, "if he was going to yell at you about that, he really is an asshole, and you already have one of those."
Her lips pointed slightly upwards at my joke.
"How come you don't do that?" she asked, looking me in the eyes. "Why do you put up me? People clearly don't like anyone that's not straight, so why wouldn't they dislike their friends? The amount of shit you must put up with for me probably isn't worth it."
"Don't talk about yourself that way." She looked down again, but I pressed my forehead to hers. "I do get shit for being your friend, but it doesn't matter. I'd put up with anything so I could be the person with you when things like this happen."
I smiled, tilting her head upwards a bit. "Besides, it might help that I'm head-over-heels in love with you."
Her eyes went wide as I kissed her, but she responded quickly, lightly putting her hands on my shoulders.
Her lips felt like Heaven, no pun intended. Still, if that was sin, I would welcome Hell with open arms.
She pulled away with slightly laboured breaths, not making eye contact.
"I can't right now, Baekhyun," she whispered. "I don't want to risk you becoming some type of rebound for that asshole. Give me some time, a week. If we both still feel this way at that time, I'll give you a chance, okay?"
I grinned. "I'll count the minutes."
As a Bisexual female, this makes me strangely proud? I'm really happy I made this?? I'm in love with Baekhyun and this makes my heart happy??? What is life????
To all other members of the LGBT+ community, I wish you all the happiness in whatever gender and sexuality you percieve yourself in! Don't let any homophobic or religious assholes try to change you! It's not their place to tell you who you are! Only you can do that!
To people coming out, I wish you luck. I was very lucky that my parents, despite being religious, accepted me, but my grandparents are another story. I haven't come out to them, and I have no plans to do that. Not until I have my own place, at least.
I know for 100% fact that they would slap me. Honestly, I love them, but they're homophobic assholes who wouldn't hesitate to disown me. I hope you guys have a better time than I do.
Well, there was some odd insight into the mind of your Bisexual author. Maybe I'll tell little stories and facts about myself more often so you guys can get to know me. That sounds fun.
From your loving, Bisexual author.
When I read this story it hit a cord in my heart because like the lovely author of this imagine, I am also bisexual.
I'm 22 years old and am in a serious long term relationship with a male soldier but I have had a girlfriend in the past and even though people said they were fine with it, you could see the small amount of disgust in their eyes.. So to everybody out there, whether you're straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or anything in between... BE PROUD BECAUSE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!
Love Sophie

Exo Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines for the amazing Kpop group EXO. Ranging from cute and romantic ones to dirty and angst. If you would like to request please follow the rules :) I love writing for you guys! Please remember, if I ever find out my imagines...