71. Chen (cute)

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Cute Chen imagine requested by @xXBreathOfDeathXx. I hope you like it :)


Time's were hard and you were done lying to yourself. Lying to yourself about the one thing that had been buzzing around your head for weeks... months. You were in love. What's wrong with that I hear you say? The only problem was, the boy you loved, and had loved for a long time, was in fact your step brother.

"What is wrong with you?" Chen would ask you over and over through out the duration of the day, his eyes squinting when you shrugged off his question and walked away, your eyes focused down at the ground as it passed under your feet. "_______!" He would call out your name in a hurt and worried tone. But you would ignore that too.

You knew if you looked at him. Looked into his deep, smouldering eyes. Let your eyes wonder over his perfectly chiselled face, his high cheek bones and straight nose. You were positive you would only fall deeper.

And unfortunately, tonight was just the same. Chen had decided he was fed up of living with his messy room mate, and thought he would pay you a surprise visit. You had hoped living in an apartment at the farthest end of Seoul would mean he wouldn't have the chances to visit, but boy were you wrong. He was now living with you, the worst thing that could happen.

"Hey, _______, do you want some popcorn?!" Chen called out from the kitchen as you heard the distinct popping sounds of corn and the continuous droning of the microwave. 

You didn't answer. Instead, you just rearranged your over the knee, jet black socks and straighten out your shorts and Bambi vest. You looked down at your arm rest and squinted when you noticed the television remote no longer lay at your side. "Where the-" you muttered to yourself and proceeded to do the daily, and common routine of hoping and squirming around on the sofa, hoping the remote would magically levitate up from within the cushions.

Scratching at the back of your head, you got up of the couch and fell to your hands and knees, pressing your cheek to the carpet as you strained to look under the settee. 

Chen was rather surprised with the view he got as he walked out of the kitchen into the living room, staring at your exposed backside with a cocked eyebrow. "Lost something?" Chen joked past a suppressed chuckle.

You gasped, pushing yourself up off the floor so quickly you somehow managed to trip over your own toes and stumble backwards. And Chen, being the cool collected individual he was, quickly set the plastic bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table and reached out just in time to catch you in his sturdy arms. Looking down into your eyes he smirked and muttered, "Have a nice trip?"

You scowled at him and pushed him away, proceeding to stomp across the living room and drop down onto your side of the sofa in a childish huff. Shaking his head Chen grabbed his snack bowl and settled down on the cushion next to yours and pulled out a remote from his pocket, to which made you frown.

After half an hour, you could safely say you and Chen had nothing in common when it came to television programs, and eventually, your eyelids slowly slid closed and your head became heavy. 

Chen set the now empty bowl down onto the carpet by his feet and flicked through the channels, smiling brightly when a repeat of his favourite show popped up on the screen. "AWW YEAH, _______ look its our fave-" His words came to an abrupt halt when he saw your peaceful, sleepy figure. His heart swelled in his chest when he witnessed the faint contented smile set across your lips. 

As quick as he could, Chen hopped up off his seat and scurried through the house towards his bedroom, pulling his fleecy dressing gown off the door hook and rushing back to the living room where you were still sleeping soundlessly. 

Settling back into his seat, Chen reached over to let his strong arms wrap around you, pulling your limp frame towards his and getting your head to rest on his lap, draping his dressing gown across you. A smile played at his lips when he noticed you bury your nose into the fabric and inhale deeply. Letting his fingers comb through your hair, he bent over and pressed his lips to your cheek gently, fighting back the urge to press his lips upon yours as you pouted in your sleep. With his fingers delicatly tracing the apple of your rosy cheek he mumbled the words, "I love you, ______," longingly into your ear.

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