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The door opened behind me. I wonder who it was?
"Do you have anymore information about the Resistance?" It was Kylo Ren. Again!
"More?" Doesn't he have other prisoners to torture and get information out of?
"If you value your life, answer," he said.

"Would you take your mask off?" I asked. I wonder if I've gone too far, he could easily kill me. He stood there for a while. Then, he removed his mask.
"Tell me everything you know," he said. It was him. I couldn't call him Ben. No, he'd kill me, but how can I not when he still has the same hair and look in his eyes as all those years ago? Except, now there was a scar, now he was Kylo Ren. He stared at me.
"R2-D2 had all of the map except one piece. He went into low power mode when Luke isolated himself. The droid seemed to work again when Rey went to the old Resistance base. That's how they found Luke. Personally, I think that she's some relation to him. She can use his lightsaber that Luke's father used and the droid that Luke owned worked again," I tried to avoid looking at him. It brought back so many memories. I always used to see him when we were training and when he was in the Library, I remember seeing him a few times. And I remember meeting him too...

"Good, but that's not all you know," He came to the side of me and put his hand by my head. I felt a weird presence in my mind. I can't resist. I can't resist. Don't use it. Don't use it.
"Don't use what?" Oh man, he was in my mind, I am so screwed!

Happy New Year to all of you! May the Force be with you!

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