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"Ben? Is she alright?" Leia asked. Phew. I thought something bad had happed to her.
"She is fine but she can't talk for a while," Ben said. Leia nodded before taking Ben's place by me.
"Ben, please come home," Leia said. Really? We crashed on Takodana and she wants her son to go home? I mean, fair enough try to get him to the Light side, but now? Really?
"Now is not the time, I must find someone to allow us food," Ben said before walking off. I noticed his clothes were dirty and ripped and small cuts and bruises littered his legs..

I waited for Ben to come back. It was awkward talking to Leia because of everything I hid from her. The fact I knew her son, that I was able to use the Force but didn't tell anyone because I was scared of dying. I seem so selfish. I probably am.

Ben still hadn't come back. I couldn't stand this silence any longer.
"I'm sorry," I said. "For hiding all this, I was scared that I would be killed, like all my friends,"
"It's alright, It's fine," Leia said. She also had a few cuts. "I know someone who wants to see you,"

The door opened.
"Poe!" I was so happy to see him!
"Hey Em," he still used my nickname too. "I haven't seen you in a while,"
"Well, a lot has happened,"
"Really?" Poe asked sarcastically.
"Wow. But in all seriousness, I can use the Force and Kylo found out, he started training me and some other stuff happened and now we're here," Poe just looked at me.

Then, Ben walked in. Everyone looked at him. Poe and Ben were giving each other death glares. This was going to take a turn for the worse. I can tell it will. Let's just hope they don't try to kill each other, actually, they probably will try to. This was bad.

May the Force be with you!

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