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"Oh, well, let's show you around our base. It might bring back some memories," Hux offered a hand out and I took it. He didn't let go through. We walked around the base and I recognised everything but I pretended not to.

He then showed me the training room.
"I remember this room!" I shouted. "I remember! I had to go to a pod to get out of here when the Resistance was attacking!" Hux nodded.
"So you did get in the escape pod I arranged,"
"I must have done. I can't really remember," I lied. Hux was way too easy to fool.

"Well, I'm glad you're safe now," what? Erm... does he like me? Because that's the way it sounded.
"Me too! My boyfriend might be worried," Hux smiled but it was obvious fake.
"Boyfriend?" He asked. I can't tell him about Ben so what do I do? I know! Poe wouldn't mind, he'd probably be flirting with me now... I miss him.
"Yeah, Poe. He's really nice. He's a pilot so I hardly get time to see him..." I'm kind of not lying. Poe is really nice and I don't see him that much.

Hux was a little closer to me now. It is really creeping me out now.
"Let's see the rest of the base. We could go and eat?" Okay...
"Yeah, sure," I said. I really don't like this situation. I think this is how a heartless First Order General flirts. It's not pretty. It really isn't.

"Here we are," Hux opened a grey door and held it open for me.
"This is the room I used to eat in!" I blurted out.
"Really?" Hux asked. He genuinely seemed interested.
"Yeah," I told him.
"You know, you're a really good liar, but I know when you're lying,"
"Lying?" Oh man. I am in a lot of trouble now...

May the Force be with you!

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