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Rey and Luke had stopped their fight to look at us two.
"I made your lightsaber," Rey said.
"Thank you!"
"What do you think of them then?" Luke asked.
"Awesome!" Ben and I said together with massive smiles on our faces. My smile grew bigger and Luke seemed to sense what I was going to do as I swung my lightsaber at Ben. He blocked it.
"Hey!" He exclaimed. We both smirked at each other and began battling.

I noticed that whilst we were battling, Luke would watch both of us but Rey's eyes kept finding themselves looking at Ben. More precisely, his face, and to be even more precise, the scar she had caused.

"Your weaknesses are your emotions. When Ben fell to the floor, you were worried about him, what if you were both on opposite sides?" Luke asked me. He had offered to train me again but I declined, knowing Ben and I were teaching each other in a way.
"We wouldn't be on separate sides, we would be on the same side," I replied.
"It is still your weakness, what of you were fighting Snoke together and he got injured?" Luke then questioned. What was this? Bombard me with a load of questions day?
"I would murder Snoke," Luke sighed. I don't think he liked my answer.
"Be careful on what you think. Those are dark thoughts," Luke warned.
"So what?" I asked.
"You may be easily seduced to the Dark Side with thoughts like that," Luke seemed worried, very worried.
"I'll be fine," Luke stared at me for a while. "I'm sure I'm fine!"
"Very well, if you say so, but, I need to talk to you about your vision,"
"Vision..." I said. "That was a vision? But how? I haven't been using the Force like I used to for ages!"

May the Force be with you!

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