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"We don't date," I told them. They carried on smiling. "We don't!"
"Right..." Rey said it as if she knew something.
"Actually, she was injured and by holding her hand, I can catch her if she was going to fall," Ben said logically.
"Aren't your reactions fast?" Luke asked, knowing that all Force-sensitive people had quicker reactions.
"Yes, actually, my reactions are fast, but trust me when I say you need to be quicker with her," Ben said.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked.
"That everything, not matter the mass, falls at the same speed," Ben answered back. He'd outsmarted me. Rey seemed shocked, but at what? Oh, right. Ben having some sort of humour that wasn't cruel, sadistic or twisted. Ben can be perfectly "normal" sometimes, even though no one is normal.

"Are you two lost?" Luke asked. Ben said no at the same time that I said had said yes. We both looked at each other either a grin on our face. I literally couldn't stop laughing for about ten minutes.

As we were walking, Resistance people started whispering. I don't care, they can carry on whispering. One of them ran ahead, probably to tell General Leia.

"Luke! You came!"
"Yes, I did," Luke said.
"After a year! Over half of us were killed by the First Order in our last Attack! We only have one X-Wing left and that's Poe's. You better have a good reason Luke!"
"Rey and I have been training," Luke said calmly despite Leia's tone. "And, I've been searching for Force-sensitive children. There's ten so far,"
"Luke! People have been dying! There's only a few of us!" Leia shouted. "You COULD have helped us but NO! You decided to leave us!" Luke cut Leia off by hugging her.
"I'm sorry, I had to. I missed you sis,"
"Me too, Luke, me too," Leia pulled away from the hug.

"I really want to say something right now, but I really don't want to ruin the moment," I whispered. Ben and Rey, who were standing either side of me, smiled.
"I know," Ben and Rey said at the same time, it was my turn to smile.

May the Force be with you!

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