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"Well, what did you mean?" Ren asked.
"You were in my mind?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Don't try to change the subject. What did you mean?"
"This is going to be a long explanation,"
"Then start," he said.

"Well, I was being taught by Luke Skywalker before you destroyed all of it and killed all but Luke and I. I was injured badly so I have a limp and a scar. I hid the fact that I could use the Force. Not even General Leia, Poe or my friends in the Resistance knew," I explained. I then added, "But of course only Poe and Leia are alive out of the Resistance people I trusted, Ben,"
"Ben is dead!" He shouted.
"Well, you're standing right there so..."
"I am Kylo Ren! Not Ben Solo!" Ren shouted.
"So if you're not Ben Solo, who are your parents?" I asked. I'm probably going to regret doing this later.

"I remember you," Ren said. So he can change the subject but I can't? But, he was a powerful man. "You were that one that wanted an odd coloured lightsaber,"
"Yeah... that was me," So he did remember me. Even if it was because I didn't want a blue or green lightsaber. "I still never got that lightsaber, I don't have one now either,"
"I could teach you," Ren offered.
"What? You're offering to teach me?" I asked. Did I just hear right?
"Well, I could kill you," he said. Yes, I did hear right but I don't think I want to hear right.
"Do I get time to think about it?" I asked.
"Yes," he said. Okay, that's good. "Your time is up," Okay, that's not good.
"You didn't specify how long you wanted to think about it,"
"I hate you,"
"Yes, you do," Ren said.

May the Force be with you!

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