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After an awkward few minutes of silence, I really had to talk. I hate things being so silent.
"Are you going to talk or what?"
"Silence," Kylo said to me.
"What?" I asked. He turned around and looked at me, slightly panicked. As he walked past me, he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me away. I called my saber to me and he did the same. He grabbed his helmet as he walked past it, dragging me along with him.

We walked through the corridors, Stormtroopers were running everywhere.
"Will you please tell me what is going on?" I asked. He still hasn't let go of my wrist. At least it's my left one so I can stil use my lightsaber.
"The Resistance have infiltrated our base. They had help from some Stormtroopers,"
"What's going to happen to them?" I asked. Kylo walked even faster so I was near enough jogging to keep up with him, which looked weird and felt awkward.
"They have been terminated," he said coldly, as if he was saying he had squashed a fly or something.
"Where are we going?" I asked. We were in a new part of I think. It all looks the same. Grey metal floors, grey metal walls, grey metal ceilings, the base, grey metal doors. The most colour was that of the keypads that some of the rooms had. The buttons gave off a bluish glow.

We had stopped. I looked around to see it was some sort of escape pod. It was pretty big. Kylo finally let go off my wrist. He started pressing buttons and inputting coordinates.
"Sit," he ordered.
"Why? What about you?" I asked.
"I will be fine,"
"I can't fly. I'd crash in less than five seconds,"
"The computer has been programmed to take you to a secret and safe place," Kylo said. Kylo turned around and went to walk off but he stopped.

May the Force be with you!

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