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I watched as the contraption moved quite quickly towards me. I felt myself shaking and my eyes were wide as the arms pinned me against the wall. I felt thick metal wires wrap around my wrists that were forced in front of me.
"Let me go!" I screamed. I tried resisting the metal machine but I'm no match for a man, let alone a new, powerful machine.
"No," a robotic voice replied. The arms then picked me up in the air.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. "PUT ME DOWN!" The machine ignored me.
"Why am I here?" I asked. Maybe a robot thing would answer me. It probably didn't even know.
"Useful," I was confused, what did he mean 'useful'? "Kill Ben Solo,"

I struggled even more but to no avail. The machine used four of it's arms to keep ne secure and carried me to somewhere. I don't know where as an arm was in front of my face. There was also one covering my mouth, stopping me from shouting.

Don't worry, you are safe. Luke Skywalker told me through the Force. They will not kill you, but, you need to get out of there yourself. The Resistance isn't strong enough to get you out.

I was dropped on a cold, hard, stone floor. I still had my hands being held together by the machine.
"Supreme Leader, I have brought you the girl," it was Hux! That guys is literally a stalker! He cannot leave me alone!
"Good, good, and she doesn't know why she's here?" A different and new voice said.
"No, Supreme One," who is this 'Supreme One'? The arm covering my eyes was removed. I looked up to see a hologram of a deformed figure, with scars and extremely pale skin.

May the Force be with you!

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