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After a few weeks of planning our escape and planning Hux's fake death and me being trained, I was finally allowed to send the message to to Stormtroopers-in-training. We sent it and we would meet them on a planet Hux knew the coordinates of, he hadn't told me them.

"What would you describe the training as?" Hux asked.
"Boring," I stated.
"It is extremely boring, extremely dull and extremely repetitive. A bit like Jedi training but that was way worse actually, at least I don't have to meditate much now. I can't meditate,"
"I can tell," Hux muttered.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Nothing," Hux answered.
"Okay," I said wearily. Hux shook his head at me.

It was time to execute Hux's fake death. I held the red lightsaber in my hand on the bridge. Hux looked at me, he'd have a scar from this but he said it was worth it.
"Hux, may I talk to you?"
"You should be training," he said coldly.
"No, I shouldn't," I told him, he was quite good at acting, I have to tell him.
"Oh yes, because your training would be pointless, wouldn't it? You're so stupid and talentless Supreme Leader Snoke could train you for decades and you probably wouldn't even be able to kill someone,"
"Want to find out if I can?" I challenged. Hux smirked.
"Oh, of course I would," I took a few steps. Hux and I's faces were inches away from each other. We had practised this, nothing could go wrong, could it? I held my lightsaber and angles it at his chest, it the least dangerous and vital place. Then, I ignited it. I saw the blade come out the other side of him. His shocked face was right in front of mine. This is what happened with Ben and Han, I don't want to be a killer, a murderer! I panicked, in that moment, there was no turning back, there was nothing I could do to change people's views about me, they would always look at me and be weary because they think I have Kylo Ren's short temper, a cold, cruel and ruthless heart. They'd think I was a killer.

May the Force be with you!

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