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"You had a vision. An oddly specific vision, which is why I'm sending you to the First Order," Luke said calmly.
"WHAT?!?! NO! I'm not going there!"
"Calm down, you won't go yet. Remember, those thoughts will let you be seduced to the Dark Side. You must be at peace, nothing else to be a Jedi,"
"Maybe I don't want to be a Jedi or maybe I just want to be able to feel something like everyone else!" I said. "I want to be able to love more than anything else and you are stopping me," I stood up and walked out.

"Ben?" I knocked on the door to his room.
"It's me," The door opened. Ben was sitting on his bed, holding his lightsaber hilt in his hand.
"He kept it. After all these years," Ben said, he looked up to see my upset dace and tear trails down my cheeks. He immediately walked over to me, leaving his lightsaber on his bed. "What's wrong, love?" I smiled a bit at the nickname.
"Luke wanted me to be a spy and go back to the First Order but I don't want to!"
"There?" Ben added and I nodded. Luke doesn't think that love can be just as powerful as the Force.

For the next few days, both Ben and I tried to avoid Luke and Leia. They wasn't to send us back to a dark place. Quite literally too as the lighting in their bases were terrible. After a few weeks, we had to talk to Luke and Leia but then, the First Order attacked.

May the Force be with you!

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