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"Ben, you have to understand, I love you and I always will love you," I said, sitting next to him. Then, it hit me. He was jealous. "Wait, this is because I said Poe was my boyfriend isn't it? He's like a brother to me, Ben! I love him like family, not in that way. I've never dated him and I don't plan to because I love you,"
"You sure?" Ben asked. Instead of saying something, I just kissed him. Ben stayed quiet. He then asked quietly, "How can you love me?"
"I don't have a clue, but, I do, and I can't help that," I answered, holding his hand.
"What do you like about me?" He questioned.
"I love your hair and your eyes and I love you for being you, sure you've made mistakes, but hasn't everyone?" I told him.
"I love your ability to find humour in everything, how you look at things differently, how you don't regret anything and how you can accept me as who I am," Ben admitted.
"Sorry, wow, that was... deep... and emotional," I said, shocked at his sudden outburst. Ben just looked at me. We both leaned it and let sparks fly as out lips met.

"Does this mean that we can share a room now?" I asked. Ben nodded.
"Yeah if you want to," Ben said.
"I don't want to, I'd love to," Ben groaned and playfully nudged me. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door.
"Come on, you have to help me move all my belongings now, and get Poe to hand over some of my stuff. And no mind tricks on him either!" I said.
"Are you sure I can't use a mind trick?" Ben asked, trying to tempt me.
"Yes! You are not using he mind trick on Poe!" Ben groaned again and I pushed him.

May the Force be with you!

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