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Stormtroopers started attacking. I grabbed my lightsaber and Ben got his. We started killing the Stormtroopers. Leia had a blaster, so did the Wookie, Chewbacca and Poe was doing the same. Rey and Luke were no where to be seen.

"Look! Over there!" Ben shouted. I looked over to where Ben pointed. Rey and Luke were battling.
"Now we might actually have a chance!" I shouted happily.
We slowly started making our way over to Rey and Luke.

"Rey, what are we going to do?" I asked before watching a Stormtrooper fall to the floor.
"I can't do anything, you two have to,"
"What do you mean 'us two'?" I asked. I was confused but I carried on fighting.
"You and Ben, of course," Rey said like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"What? No! We're not going back!" I shouted.
"Well, one of you has too!" Rey shouted back. I then notices that her lightsaber was blue. The handle seemed familiar... It was Luke's! Luke had shown us a picture of his old lightsaber when they were at the Academy. His father had had it before him. But why did Rey have it? How did Rey have it? It would mean that...

The four of us cleared the area we were in of all of the Stormtroopers.
"Ben, Emily, one of you has to go back to the First Order," Luke said.
"I'll go," Ben said.
"No, you can't go back to that!" I said.
"But you shouldn't feel like what I felt," Ben argued.
"But you can't go back to that! It will destroy you," we hugged each other and we pulled away. Then, we kissed. We both knew what was going to happen but neither of us wanted this to happen.

May the Force be with you!

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