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"Mara Jade! Put that training lightsaber down! Now!" I ordered. Mara Jade swung the lightsaber again but then put it on the floor. The redhead then walked off.
"Mara, get back here," Ben instructed calmly. Mara froze, turned and then walked back.
"Yes, Master Ben, Master Emily. Sorry for using a training lightsaber when I wasn't supposed to," Mara Jade said, suddenly finding her fingernails interesting.
"It's fine," I said. "Just find the others and tell them to eat lunch, got it?" Mara Jade nodded, her curls wildly bouncing around her face.
"Guys! It's lunch time!" She shouted as she sprinted down the corridor, past all of their dormitories.

Ben picked up the training lightsaber.
"She's a handful?" Ben asked.
"She's more than that, she was going to be trained for a dark side assassin by Smoke,"
"Good job she got bored of their grey walls," Ben said, placing the training saber in his pocket.
"Come on, let's go and eat,"

"Master Emily, Master Ben, since I've decided that you are trustworthy and important, I've decided to give you the honour of knowing my full name," Ben glanced at me with raised eyebrows.
"Go on then," I encouraged. "What is it?"
"Mara Jade-"
"Master Ben! Help!" Ben sighed and stood up, picking up a six year old that was being chased by a fellow Youngling.
"Jamie, stop being stupid, Oli, bring your volume down a bit," Ben said, putting Oli back on the floor. Oli then started chasing the other boy in revenge. Ben groaned at their antics.
"Why is running a school such hard work?" groaned Ben.
"Mara Jade Skywalker!" Mara Jade sing-songed at the top of her voice so she could be heard by the screaming boys. Ben and I looked at each other wide-eyed.

May the Force be with you!

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