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I slowly opened my eyes. There was a bright light so I squinted. I groaned and heard someone give a short laugh.
"Ben?" I asked, still sleepy.
"Yes," he replied! To his real name! Unless I'm hallucinating but I don't think I am. I sat up and asked,
"Where are we?"
"Takodana," he said simply.
"What happened on the ship?" I asked. I hope Leia is alright.
"A Resistance member shot us down. We crashed. I got a few cuts and Leia got a lot of cuts and bruises. You happened to be standing in front of a control panel that blew up behind you," Ben explained.
"Great! I'm so lucky!" I said sarcastically.

I noticed he wasn't wearing his cape/hood/cloak thing and he didn't have his mask.
"There's guards outside, isn't there?"
"Yes," Ben bitterly replied.
"Cheer up a bit," I said.
"How can I?" His voice was wavering slightly and he was nervously rubbing his hands together. Was he... worried? No, he couldn't be, couldn't he? But he did use the mask to hide his face, thus hiding he feelings. He... cared for me? That was... unexpected... and... strange...

"I'll tell you a joke," I said after a while.
"Really?" Ben asked. I nodded. "I don't think you're well enough to talk too much,"
"Why not?" I asked. My throat quickly began to feel sore. "Actually, I think I know why," I then coughed a bit. I then realised that Leia wasn't here, wherever here was exactly. What happened to her? She is alive, right? She couldn't have been killed in the crash, could she? If she did survive the crash, Ben wouldn't kill her, she was his mother. He couldn't do that, could he? Or maybe he could?

May the Force be with you!

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