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"Poe? Are you going to open this door? If you don't I'll just come in and take my stuff anyway," There was a loud crash from inside and about five seconds later, Poe opened the door.
"Sorry, I rolled off the bed," he said. I shook my head at him. "I know I'm hopeless,"
"Poe, you're the best pilot in he Resistance and quite frankly, you're the only pilot left, no thanks to a certain someone," Ben glared at me. "What? It's true!" Ben sighed while Poe smiled.
"Anyway, you're stuff's still in the boxes in the corner,"
"So you guys did think I was dead," I said.
"Why would you think that?" Poe asked. I just raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, okay, fair point. Ben watched the two with a confused but amused view. They were more like siblings than lovers, and for that, Ben was thankful.

Ben, Poe and I had just put all of the boxes in Ben and I's new room. Ben leant down and pecked my forehead. I kissed his cheek back (yes, I had to stand on my tip toes, but that's not the point).
"Ew, guys, get a room," Poe said, trying to cover his eyes.
"Poe, that is their room," Rey said as she and Luke walked past the open doorway.
"Go away you two!" I said to them.
"We three will just leave you two alone," Luke said, smirking. The three left Ben and I and we must smiled at each other.
"I love you Ben,"
"I love you too Emily,"

May the Force be with you!

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