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"Should have looked at the note in your desk," Ren said. What note?
"What do you mean? What note in my desk? What the? Wait... WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUT A NOTE IN MY DESK?" I asked, a bit too loudly.
"I do recall you complaining about Jedi's being being emotionless, I believe you stopped youself from swearing and used the word 'baskets'. This is your chance to be like a Jedi but to be able to love, hate, be aggressive and actually feel something," That sounded weird. Kylo Ren just said that. And he said it through a mask which altered his voice. I really want to laugh so much!
"That sounds so weird," I said, holding back my laughter.
"What?" Ren asked.
"What you just said, and it was said through a mask," I told him. He was so oblivious!

"Let's just eat," Ren then quickened his pace on purpose.
"Hey!" I shouted after him. "I can't keep up! Limp, remember?"

He stopped right in front of me and I walked straight into him.
"I hate you," I mumbled.
"No, you don't," Ren said.
"Oh really? You murdered my friends and nearly murdered me, you kidnapped me, and confessed to basically stalking me, I'm pretty sure I hate you,"
"Then why are you smiling?"
"If you're doing this on purpose...!"
"Doing what?" He asked. He was probably smirking under that mask.

I then ran after him and all he did was walk fast.
"Just so you know, you look extremely stupid," Ren told me.
"Thanks a lot," I said sarcastically. He opened a door that I just realised we had past two times. "We've already past this door twice,"
"No we haven't, General Hux probably saved money and time by using the same doors," once again, he was probably smirking under that mask. In fact, he'd probably never stopped smirking.
"General Hux probably shouldn't hear that," I said.
"And he won't,"

May the Force be with you!

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