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"What color lightsaber do you want?" Ben asked. They were sitting in the library.
"Lightsaber?" Emily asked.
"Yes," Ben confirmed.
"Erm... I don't really know. I don't want a blue or green one, everyone has one of those. But, I heard stories of Jedi having two coloured lightsabers. Apparently you can have almost any colour,"

"You can have any colour," Ben told her after a while. "You just have to make a crystal. Synthetic crystals let you have whatever colour you want. You can have red, black, white, two colours. I bet if you're powerful enough you could have three colours, if you put the effort in, of course," Ben said.
"I can have a purple lightsaber?" Ben nodded. "Awesome! I want one!"
"Want to know what colour I want?" Emily, was was extremely excited, nodded vigorously.
"Yes!" Emily said. Ben leaned to her ear and whispered:
"I want a red lightsaber, with a crossgaurd,"
"But-" Emily said. Ben covered her mouth.
"Tell no one," he told her before removing his hand.
"But isn't that the colour Sith have?" She asked, keeping her voice quiet. Ben nodded. "But why?"
"My grandfather once had a red lightsaber but when he was killed he was once again on the Light side," Ben explained to the intrigued Emily.

"Why did he go to the Dark side anyway? Your grandfather," Emily asked.
"He wanted to protect his love. He couldn't let go of those who were close to him. He believed the Jedi didn't trust him either," Ben explained.
"How do you know this?" Emily asked.
"I have my ways," Ben said.

"Master Luke doesn't trust me that much,"
"Really?" Ben asked with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah, he doesn't want me to have a lightsaber yet even though everyone else is going to start making them soon. Would you trust me with a lightsaber?"
"No, not really," Ben said truthfully.
"Hey! You're supposed to say yes!" Ben just smiled and Emily shook her head at him.

May the Force be with you!

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