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There will be swearing/bad words/I don't know what to call them because I'm British in the next few chapters.

"Snoke is more powerful than you could ever imagine!" Hux shouted.
"Really? I just knew about him as a fucking hologram that could order you about!" Hux seemed to examine me. It kind of creeped me out.

Then, all of a sudden, he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me up the wall. His cold eyes were looking into mine.
"Snoke is the most powerful being that existed. His place is as a ruler. You, little bitch, should learn your place," Hux pressed his hand against my throat. I wanted to scream but I was trying to save my breath. "Listen, you really should choose wisely. You can come back to our side if you kill Ben Solo or you can die right here and now,"

Hux took his hand of my neck and I slumped. I panted for air. That bastard!
"You... bastards... can kill me... right now... but you won't," I said. Hux smirked.
"Of course we won't, because we'll get you to come to our side, by any means possible. And then you can kill Ben Solo," Hux stood up straight after straightening his uniform out.
"You fucking coward! You can't even kill him yourself! You're a weak and pathetic creature! Hux, you really should be a Hutt," Hux gave me a death glare before walking to the door. I heard him mutter,
"Well, it's too bad she has a death wish," I watched as he shut the doors. I heard them click so they were locked. I stand up and notice a glass of water on the bedside table. Water? How did a glass of water get on the bedside table? It wasn't there earlier...

May the Force be with you!

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