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I was woken up the next morning by someone knocking on the door.
"Who is it?" I asked sleepily.
"It's FN-6943," It was a Stormtrooper. "Ren ordered me to take you to him so you can eat,"
"Can I just eat later?" I asked.
"No Miss," the Stormtrooper said. I groaned before getting out of bed. That bed is really comfortable.

I changed into similar clothes to the day before, I then headed out and the Stormtrooper took me to the place where we ate the day before. I memorised the way we went so I could remember how to get back to my room.

"Hurry up, we're starting your training today," Kylo Ren didn't have his mask on. He made a gesture with his hand and the Stormtrooper left.
"Today?" I asked. He wants me to train when I had just woken up?
"Yes, more specifically, in half an hour, whether you've finished eating or not," I sat down and quickly began eating the food in front of me. Kylo watched me. He wasn't Ben, he still had a look in his eye that mean he wasn't going to let me say a joke or anything slightly funny.

After I finished eating, he took me to a big room that had a few chairs and a table in. On the table was a lightsaber.
"Is that mine?" I asked, picking up the lightsaber. Kylo took his mask off and put it on the table.
"It will be," he said as he took the lightsaber from my hand. "If you do well enough in your training,"
"I can still remember what we were taught before. Meditating, knowledge, meditating, lunch and then a bit of a history lesson before we practised our Force abilities and then we had a bit of spare time before we were told to go to sleep, which I never did until about midnight," I said.
"This is going to be different," Kylo said, smiling a little.

May the Force be with you!

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