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We miraculously managed to get to the ship without being seen. Hux sat down while an awaiting pilot flew it for us. We headed to the planet we arranged to set up our base on and we landed there. Some doctors attended to General Hux before the pilot and I set off to the Resistance base.

Our welcoming wasn't the warmest as we hadn't told them and we were in a First Order ship. We nearly got shot down but I communicated with them and told them not to shoot us out of the sky. We landed and soldiers still surrounded the ship.
"I wish to speak with General Leia," I announced. The soldiers still aimed their blasters at me. I took out both of the lightsabers I had, purple and red, and rolled them to one of the soldier's feet. He picked them up and gestured for me to follow him. The pilot was took elsewhere after his blaster was confiscated.

"General Organa," I greeted.
"Emily, you're back," she said with a smile.
"What's with all the soldiers outside?" I asked.
"We heard you killed General Hux,"
"No, I didn't, we faked it," I explained.
"Two months you've been gone, two months!" someone shouted from behind me, making me flinch. It was Ben.
"What? Do you think I can just walk out of their new Starkiller base or something? I got tortured, had memory loss, had Hux slap me, went to Snoke, Hux disagreed with Snoke and agreed with me so we faked his death because he didn't want to be with the First Order any more," Ben just looked at me.
"I don't believe you," Ben said.
"Well, let's start from when I left, shall I?" I started.

I when explained everything that had happened to Leia, Ben, Rey, Finn, Luke and Poe (and BB-8). They were still wary of me but Poe couldn't stop smiling about when I pretended I was his boyfriend to Hux.
"Do you believe me now?" I asked. Luke stared me in the eye for a long and unnerving minute.
"I believe her," he eventually said.
"If Master Luke does, then I do," Rey agreed.
"So do I," Poe said. BB-8 beeped in agreement. Finn was still a bit wary.
"Where is Hux now?" Leia asked.
"He's at a safe planet, with all the Stormtroopers, First Order officers and Radar Technicians," I told her. "Do you believe me now Ben?" Ben stared at me for a few seconds before nodding once.

May the fourth be with you!

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