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"Hi," a younger Emily said. "Can I sit here?" Ben Solo nodded and Emily put her tray on the table and sat opposite him.

"I'm Emily, what's your name?" She asked to break the silence that had been formed.
"Ben, Ben Solo," he introduced. He had black hair and dark brown eyes while she had light brown coloured hair and green eyes. "Your friends..."
"I know, they can be really annoying at times but I wouldn't have them any other way," I said, looking at the two girls at the edge of the next table. Ben nodded.

"I better go now," Ben said as he stood up. Emily grabbed Ben's arm.
"You don't have to, do you?" She asked with an innocent look on her face. The innocent look, however, hid fear and worry. Ben sat down.
"No, I can stay a bit longer," Ben said.
"Thanks, I have a weird thing about being alone and Master Skywalker has a thing about us sharing chairs. Seriously! He says that it is not behaviour of a Jedi," Emily explained. "I'm only here because of... where I live. In all honesty, Jedi are kind of boring. They can't love, hate, be afraid or get angry! I hate Jedi!"
"You would never guess," Ben said sarcastically.
"Nope, never. They are all a bunch of ba-" she then paused, "baskets,"
"Were you going to swear?" Ben asked.
"No. Why would you suggest such thing? Jedi can only be at peace," Emily said, smiling. Ben returned the smile a bit. "Can I tell you a joke?"
"Knock, Knock,"
"Who's there?" Ben asked.
"R2D," Emily answered.
"R2D who?" Ben asked, he had realised what the joke was.
"No. R2-D2," Ben's smile grew a bit bigger and so did Emily's.

May the Force be with you!

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