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I woke up to find Ben's arms tightly around me.
"Ben?" He was asleep still. "Ben? Please wake up," Still nothing. He turned his head toward me and I kissed his cheek. He began to stir. I kissed his lips and five seconds after, he was awake.
"Arms," I said to him.
"Wha-oh, yeah," Ben's voice sounded so different, he had only just woken up though. Ben pulled back his arms.
"Thanks. It's nine, you might want to go back to your room," Ben got out of the bed and put the loose-fitting t-shirt back on.

About an hour later, we headed to the place where we had eaten before and ate breakfast. Surprisingly, it didn't taste as good as the First Order's food, I would have expected the Resistance to have really nice food. I didn't really stay at the Resistance base for meals before.

We then headed to the room where Luke was training Rey, the two were having a lightsaber battle. On a table in the corner of the room were two lightsabers. One was Ben's lightsaber from the Academy, the other was that of a design I had drew when I was younger. Ben headed to the table and picked up his lightsaber. He ignited it and the saber was a bright blue. I picked mine up and examined it. It was silver but with a few bronze coloured rings around the top and a few black rings around the bottom. I wonder what colour it would be? Probably blue or green, maybe purple.

I ignited my lightsaber and my eyes widened.
"No way..." I looked at my saber. It wasn't blue. It wasn't green. It was purple. It was strange as only a few people had ever had a purple lightsaber. "This is... amazing! Thank you whoever did this!"

May the Force be with you!

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