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I turned around to see...
"General Leia," Kylo said.
"Ben, let me look at you," Leia said. Kylo took his mask off and it hit the floor with a very loud noise that I flinched at.
"See the scar that Rey gave me?" He asked.
"Ben, come home," she said, looking at Kylo. Their eyes were so similar.
"I would never be able to," he said with confidence.
"Yes, you would. Leave Snoke behind," Leia begged.
"It's not that simple,"
"It is, Ben, just leave him," I watched as a mother and son had a conversation that seemed really emotional.
"No! The Supreme Leader is powerful! I cannot just leave, as you put it! He will hunt me down! He will hurt everyone I love and I don't want that!"

I turned back the console, neither of them noticed. I examined it. Leia would be on the other side of the doors if I shut them. Was it best to? I don't want Leia to die or be murdered by Kylo. Although, I don't think he would do it willingly. But if I shut the doors, Leia would be at the base and she might get shot or hurt by a Stormtrooper. Leia walked towards her son. I need to decide. What do I do? What do I do? I think I know which button it is, but do I press it? They would both be on the ship, together, and Kylo probably wouldn't want me to see him murder his mother. I hope he wouldn't anyway.

"Sorry," I said.
"For what?" Kylo and Leia asked at the same time.
"This," I told them before pressing the small green square button. I hope this is the right one. Kylo turned and looked at me in confusion. The doors closed behind me and the escape pod lurched forward.

May the Force be with you!

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